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"We're all tired," Minho said, low adamant, making the room go silent after hours of discussions, quarrels, flat out fighting, "exhausted even." he continued, "We've all got a lot riding on this."
"Says the one who's already married." one of Jin's people snorted, sarcastically.
"Yes." Minho snapped, "But my husband had to fucking emigrate and isn't a citizen of this country anymore, which saddens me more than you will ever know! This is, of course, an option for all of you, but that's not what we're fighting for, is it?" Minho had clearly had it.
"No." the man beside the previous one said, putting a hand on said man's shoulder to calm him down, "And, yes, we've all made sacrifices for this but the seven of you," he looked at Team Dick, and Yoongi, seated together at one end of the table, "have gone beyond that. You've," his voice trembled, "sorry, I'm getting a bit emotional," he fanned himself, "you've gone all in and because of that, you have no privacy," he looked at the man beside him, "they have bodyguards for crying out loud! They live under constant threat! They have freaking paparazzi following them everywhere! It's insane! And all they're asking is that we come together, one time, to publicly show our politicians that this law has strong support among all of us. That is not too much to ask!"
"Or, maybe you're just jealous they're famous in their own right and for being gay and have the admiration from a lot of people for having advanced the cause further than anyone in this room has been able to up until now?" Tits said, with innuendo.
"What? No!" the first man said so eagerly everyone in the room knew Tits had hit the head of the nail with that one, "Listen," he said, a bit wing-clipped, "I just feel it's a bit risky to hang it all on one person's persumed performance in the Olympics, that's all."
"Fucking hell." Hobi hissed, and stood up, "YOU DO NOT get to question Jungkook's ability as an athlete! Not on my watch." Hobi stared him down.
Jungkook had to surpress a hiccup from seeing the scary freaking Hobble-monster fume beside him.
He'd seen Hobi angry once before.
Which'd scared the living shit out of him.
And that was cotton candy compared to this.
He sought, and found Tae's hand under the table.
"You don't know how fucking hard it is to even qualify for the Olympics!" Hobi continued, "And he's won it!" he pointed at Jungkook, "And the World Championships! Three fucking major titles! If you don't like how we planned this war, don't join the fucking army!" he crossed his arms infront of him, "The door's over there." he nodded his head to the exit, "I have so much respect for the work you've all been putting down for years, but, YOU DO NOT, get to shrug your shoulders, dismissing the work Jungkook has done, is doing, 'cause, news flash, he's the reason we've come this far! He is!"
"And you." Taehyung said, softly, looking at Hobi before turning to the rest of them, "I think we can all agree, that, our boys over here," he stretched his arm out behind Jungkook and Hobi, "could've just denied being gay, left that press conference and the cause would've stood where it stood, stamping in the same place as before, had it not been for their courage? And winning the fucking Olympics?"
Hobi sat down again, "I know it looks like we're risking it all on this, but what you need to understand, is, that it is Jungkook who is putting it all on the line. Everything he's worked his entire life for. For you. For the cause."
"Well said, Hoseok dear." Tits said, nodding, "Well said."
"Now then," Minho continued, and shook out his shoulders, "This is the last chance to get off this train." he said in that low, all business voice he used when there was no more room for horseplay.
Or much less, doubt.
"When we leave here, it's going down" he nodded on a promise, "and I need to know that we, I, can count on you doing your part? Can I count on that?" he looked around the table, "I will not hold it against anyone who wants to get off this carousel, but, do it now. Before the centripetal force gets too great and wont let you."
Minho massaged his aching eyesockets, "Let's take a short break and think things through." he suggested, turning to Hobi, "Would you get me some aspirin and a cup of coffee?" he asked, Hobi nodded and got up, "If you need to talk to me, privately, do it now." he urged the rest of them.
All got up, stretching their tired bodies, talking amongst themselves, leaving the room to Minho.

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