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It wasn't that Taehyung minded so much as wondered.
Hobi obviously had something going on with, someone.
Jimin thought so too. Even Jungkook was sure that was the case.
But who was it?
And why did he feel he had to hide it?
Maybe it was that friend of his?
But, nah. As far as Taehyung knew he hadn't gotten out of his military service yet.
So not him.
Maybe it was serious?
That could be the reason, Taehyung realised. Hobi was a big flirt but if he'd actually developed feelings for someone?
He might want to keep that to himself.
Tae would.
At least he thought he would. He hadn't actually stepped in the puddle of love yet, so he was just guessing.
There had been girls he'd found interesting for a while, but it had never evovled into anything more than the occasional, heated make-out session.
He'd eyed a boy or two as well, and thought, I could, but never actually acted upon it.
Yeah, he wanted to have sex, for sure!
He was hor-nay.
All the time!
But having sex with someone felt like a big deal to him and he wanted his feelings to match his hornyness.
Maybe he was asking too much, but.
That's what he wanted.
Jimin just wanted to have sex. With whomever offered. He just didn't get that many offers, that was his problem.
Especially since he had some sort of girlfriend at the moment. Which practically mooted every potential offer he might get from someone single.
The biggest problem, as Jimin saw it, was that his girlfriend wasn't really offering either. So he hadn't. Yet.
Hobi had.
Had sex. Probably with more than one person.
He'd had a boyfriend for a short while, a long distance runner he'd met at a competition somewhere.
Tae was rather relieved that didn't last for too long, 'cause that guy made his skin crawl. And Jimin's. And Jungkook's.
But apparently he was good in bed.
Taehyung figured Hobi would've had to had had some other experience to be able to make that call, but what did he know? Really?
According to Jungkook, who was pretty much camped out at Tae's place, Hobi wasn't home much. Hence the camping out at Taehyung's.
Jungkook was just too shy to venture out of his room over at the Jungs' if Hobi wasn't there to talk to him.
Taehyung obviously didn't mind, and neither did Jin and Namjoon, they were actually quite fond of the kid that didn't say much. It was a nice change from the chattering monkeys they were used to.

Mrs Jeon didn't seem to mind either.
After Mrs Jung pulled Jungkook from his school, his mother obviously wanted to meet his new landlady and his friends that had cared for him when she couldn't.
So she came to visit.
She was very impressed with Jin, of course, Tae had yet to meet a grown-up who wasn't, and she seemed to click with Namjoon of all people.
Jungkook's confidence grew tenfolt as he had his mom near, and they realised maybe he wasn't totally without social skills.
It just took him a while to feel comfortable around new people, that's all.
The quiet kid was still quiet though, only more, animated, and seemed to enjoy himself to a higher degree.
He was very sad when she left and she felt really bad for leaving him, but she had to go back home and care for her business and old parents. And she didn't want to hold Jungkook back from what he wanted.
She wanted him to have the opportunity to become what he had always dreamt of, a world class athlete.
"You can always come home, Jungkook," she held him close, "if you don't want this anymore, you come home." she held him out to look at her, "But if there's even the tiniest of sliver of you that still want this? You stay. And you do your best." she hugged him again, "And we make this work, how ever hard it might be!"
"I love you, mom." Jungkook cried.
"I love you too. And I'm very proud of you!" she sobbed.
"Take care of my son." she made eye contact with everyone standing in the hallway and after getting the nods and the yeses she needed, she left.
Tae pulled Jungkook to his chest and let him cry, as the rest left them to their own device.
"Wanna play Overwatch?" Tae asked when Jungkook seemed done crying.
He nodded and wiped the tears that was still dripping from his eyes.
"Well, come on then, I'll whoop your ass!"
"Sheah." Jungkook snorted with a grin as they made their way over to Tae's place for a show down.

"It's not that I don't trust you, Namjoon," Jin stood infront of the display cabinets in the downstairs dining room, "it's just, do you have to set up your experiment in here?" He eyed some sort of apparatus with multiple components spaced apart on the dining table. The cabinets were in direct line of fire from it.
"It's just a laser, Jin. What harm can some light do?" Namjoon was bent over some mysterious part that was plugged in to the electrical socket, via a long extension cord.
"Mhm," Jin prepared for take-off,
"GUYS, CAN JUNGKOOK SPEND THE NIGHT?" Tae shouted from upstairs.
"SURE!" Jin answered and turned his attention back to his boyfriend, "If you blow up my family heirlooms, Kim Namjoon, you're making it up to me!" he threatened.
"I am perfectly relaxed!" Jin snapped.
Namjoon straightened up, "No, you're tense." he said, matter of fact, walking over to Jin, "I'll take it down, baby," he cupped Jin's face, "I really need to be in the lab to get accurate readings anyway." he smiled, "I was just eager to get started!" he kissed him.
Jin snaked an arm around Namjoon and pulled him closer, placing his mouth a few millimeters away from his ear, whispering, "Let's go make love instead."
Namjoon's whole body went to jelly and he had to rely on Jin to keep him up, "But the kids!"
Jin put Joon's arms around his own neck, closing the distance between them, "Are playing video games and wouldn't notice a rhinosaurous," he let his tongue explore the warmth of Namjoon, "and you're leaving in a couple of weeks," he moaned, "and I want you."
Namjoon fumbled some stuff he was still holding in his hands down on the table and steared Jin backwards to his bedroom, "I want to feel you in me, baby." he whispered in a voice thick from desire, "I'm gonna miss having you inside me."
"Me too." Jin assured him.
They didn't see Jungkook, who was on a snack run, standing in the shadows, but he saw them.
He couldn't help getting hard. He couldn't help wanting to kiss Taehyung like that, touch Taehyung like that, be, with Taehyung like that.
Jungkook was pretty sure he was gay.
And that he was in love with Taehyung.
He was also pretty sure he didn't want anyone to know that.
Especially not Taehyung.
He was afraid that if Taehyung knew, he would withdraw from him, and he cherished every hug, every brief contact of their hands, every cuddle infront of the TV.
Every touch he could get, he wanted.
Of course he wanted more!
So much more!
But he didn't dare.
He just needed to make sure that thing in his pants didn't make an unwanted appearance in the middle of everything and it would all be fine!
Snacks and a quick run to the bathroom to take care of the problem and he would be back in business. For a bit.
Why was everything so complicated?

Jungkook woke up in the middle of the night with Taehyung wrapped around him.
He turned his head to look at him. The sight of a sleeping Taehyung holding on to him made his chest constrict. He was so beautiful! So ethereal, so soft and warm.
And those lips!
Jungkook wanted to kiss them so badly, it was just, he wanted them to kiss him back!
He felt tears forming in the back of his throat. God! What a mess he was in!
Please, please be gay!
Or at least curious!
Of course his God damned dick started to rise like fucking Dracula in the middle of everything.
He supressed a moan, he wanted nothing but to flip Tae over, grind into him and shove his tongue down his throat.
This was torture!
He decided to go take care of himself, again, like that would help, but what choice did he have?
Jungkook tried to slither out of Taehyung's grip without waking him up, but Tae stirred with a "Nng." trying to hold on to him.
"I just need to use the bathroom," Jungkook whispered.
"Hng, hurry back." Tae mumbled and turned to face the wall, still pretty much asleep.
When Jungkook returned after his joyless, but necessary, release, Tae grabbed his arm and pulled him close, having Jungkook become the big spoon, making his mouth come impossibly close to the nape of Taehyung's neck.
He couldn't resist.
He brushed his lips over the soft skin, hoping that if Tae had noticed, he would just think it'd happened by accident and not on purpose.
Jungkook almost regretted it.
It was heaven.
And hell.
But mostly heaven.
He didn't sleep much that night.
He just lay there soaking everything up.
The sound of him sleeping.
His scent.
How soft his hair was when it brushed against Jungkook as he moved.
How perfectly Taehyung's body fit against his own.
The sheen of his golden skin as the first daylight appeared.
He must have dozed off eventually, because when he woke up, Taehyung was gone.
It felt as if all the light had gone out of the world.
Like nothing would ever be right again until Taehyung was back in his arms.
Where he might not want to be.
That was the worst morning in Jungkook's life. So far.

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