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There were people everywhere.
Cameras too.
But none of them cared.
Taehyung's whole being was solely focused on the man beside him.
His man.
His Jungkook.
He felt high.
Soaring high.
And he was happier than he'd ever been in his entire life.
Made of love.
All love.
For this person.
His person, that was walking side by side with him. Holding his hand.
Taehyung felt, very young, right now.
Almost like a child on the first day of school, curious, scared, excited.
About to begin something entirely new.
But so desired.
He wanted this.
He wanted to be Jungkook's husband.
He wanted Jungkook to be his husband.
He smiled at him.
Jungkook smiled back.
His happiness shining through.
His love and affection for Taehyung right now.
How proud he was of what they had.
How precious Taehyung was to him.
How he was never, not in a million years, going to let go of Taehyung's hand.
The hand he took, at seventeen, and had been holding since, walking into the world, together with his other half.
His life partner.
And soon, so very soon, his husband.
He let out a content and very happy sigh.

Jin sniffled behind them.
Wanting very badly to blow his nose, but didn't think it appropriate, in exactly this moment in time.
He felt so privileged, having them want him to be a part of their day like this.
And so proud of them.
His kids.
He pulled them against himself for a short second, hugging their backs, before taking a step to the side, grabbing Namjoon's hand and being discreetly handed a napkin.

Taehyung bowed to Jungkook.
Jungkook bowed back. And bowed again.
As did Taehyung.
Tits, their officiant, held out a copper cup and they took a sip each, and returned the cup to her.
She smiled and replaced the cup with a gourd, cut in two, connected by a purple thread and they took another sip, looking solemnly at eachother, before changing halfs to take another sip.
They bowed to Tits and the representations of their ancestors behind her, to their family of guys and parents, and turned to the crowd behind them and bowed one last time to their guests.

"Dearly Beloved," Tits began looking like an ancient priestess in her deep, purple, garb, giving off hints of pink as she moved, "we have gathered here today, to wed, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook together." she smiled proudly at them.
"It is a sacred rite the two of you now are about to partake in, the joining of two households, two lives, two hearts." she nodded, "It is sacred, because we, as a society, acknowledge and respect the bond between you, the oath you take, to forsake all others, to love, honour and cherish the person you have chosen to create this entirely new household with, to live, to co-exist, to breath the same air as, for as long as you both shall breathe. To hold eachother's pain and joy, lessen eachother's burdens, share eachother's successes. To bear witness to the other person's time on this earth. To be present." she paused.
"It brings me such joy to be able to wed you, my darling boys, the ones who made it all possible for all of us, the two people I admire more than I admire anyone, for your braveness, your perseverence, your steadfastness and your lust for life and above all, for the sacrifices you have made for eachother, to be able to stand here today and let me wed you. I am so honoured." she smiled, and bowed her head a centimeter or two, "You are a pride to this nation, to all of us, as I now bid you," she looked out over the crowd, "to stand up as we witness our heroes pledge their love for one another." she lifted her hands in a gesture that brought the congregation to their feet, and clasped her hands over Tae's and Kook's joined ones.
Hobi reached forward and held out the rings, "Kim Taehyung," Tits adressed him first, being the older of them, "do you take, Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
They'd chosen not to write their own vows. To keep the words they wanted to say to eachother private.
Between them.
To use the simplest of oaths, because it held more weight that any multitude of words could ever hold.
No embellishments.
No other declarations than simply promising eachother to eachother.
Infront of everyone.
Believing it.
Epitomizing it.
Making it so.
"I do." Taehyung said, loud and clear, threading the ring on Jungkook's finger.
"And, Jeon Jungkook," Tits continued, "do you take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." Jungkook answered, proudly, and put the ring on Tae's elegant finger.
She clasped their joined hands again, "I now pronounce you husband and husband." she smiled, "You may kiss the groom." she said, and managed to make it sound suggestive somehow.

The crowd errupted!
Whistles and applause and kiss, kiss, kiss, echoed throughout, but Jungkook could only hear Taehyung's happy gasps and see the tears of joy streaming down his face, so he placed his hands on his cheeks, "I love you, husband." his voice broke, tears wetting his own cheeks as well.
"I love you, husband." Taehyung cried, laughed, ment.
And they kissed.
Over and over again.
They felt the current that always ran between them charge with something, new.
To them.
Something stronger.
Like life itself.
And they stilled, drowning in eachother's eyes, connected, certain, complete.
Enveloped by this, omnipresent, ancient, welcoming, feeling of belonging, stretching out beyond them, into the universe, making them sense what stardust was really made of.
All love.
The thing that animated everything and brought it to life.
The only thing that truly mattered.
And they were part of it.
Were of it.

The cameras didn't bother them.
The people didn't bother them.
This was theirs.
Their gift.
Their cocoon of love and commitment, filling them up, but at the same time giving them the feeling of being lighter than air, being bigger than this space, expanding.
It was intoxicating.
It was, them.
All them.
Only, them.
Their, fusion.

"I'm the happiest I've ever been!" Jin full on ugly-cried, retching, beside Namjoon, not getting any air!
"Mazel-tov!" Namjoon laughed, sobbed, whatever, squeezing Jin's hand so hard he almost crushed it. Feeling happier than he'd been getting married himself!
At that had made him pretty fucking happy!
Yoongi had succumbed to his crying and was hiding his face against Hobi's neck.
"H-ai'm so-ho ha-happy!" Hobi cried, being held by Minho, "Hi-it's so-ho beautiful!"
"When did all my friends turn into crying lil' bitches?" Jimin asked, looking wide-eyed around him.
"Stop it." Jin complained.
"We're happy! Let us be happy, you little asshole!" Hobi sobbed, turning against Minho, with Yoongi still in his arms getting squashed between them.
"Well, I'm happy too." Jimin said, sarcastically, but you don't see me crying like a lil' bitch."
"Soonyi!" Yoongi shouted, muffled, "Tell him to be nice to us!"
"Be nice to them." Soonyi came over, telling Jimin off, sternly, "They're happy!"

Jungkook and Taehyung stood hand in hand, looking at eachother, smiling, paying no attention to the crying wrecks around them.
Still in their high.
"We're married." Taehyung smiled.
"Like I promised." Jungkook answered.
"You did."
"I keep my promises." Jungkook whispered.
"You sure do." Taehyung gasped.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Tae turned to Jimin, very unexpectedly, "And we don't use bitch as a demeaning word here, when we're trying not to cry, Mr Park." he tsked, "I see you!" he wormed his finger in Jimin's face.
"But I'm so happy for you!" Jimin sobbed, unable to hold it in any longer, and hugged Tae and Kook together, "Congratulations!"

"Well," Mrs Jeon sighed, "I guess I didn't expect anything else from my newly wedded sons, but," she smiled fondly but put her hands on her hips, "what are y'alls excuse for not letting the wedding proceed?" she asked with a grin.
"Jesus!" Jin did a dog shake, getting a grip, looking at all the wedding guests waiting to congratulate and throw flower petals and rice (but birdseed, Jungkook had insisted) and celebrate the newly-weds as they were walking out of there, as they should be by now, but obviously, weren't.
In this once in a lifetime wedding with western and domestic traditions thrown together in mischymaschy fruit salad.
With onions.
And a little bit of gay on the side.
Just like they liked it.
"Come on," Mrs Jeon bid them to walk down from the dais, "take your first steps together as husband and husband, and let the party begin!"

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