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'I love you.' Taehyung thought as he woke up wound around Jungkook's naked body.
They had cuddled and made out and explored eachother's bodies the whole night.
Nothing crazy!
Just touching, and kissing.
Mm, the kissing...
Even now, being wrapped in his arms, Taehyung still felt the incessant need to be kissing Jungkook, he was so in love with him, he realised!
He wanted to climb into Jungkook and live there for a while.
But did Jungkook have the same feelings for him, or, was he just, horny?
They hadn't really talked much, yesterday, so Tae wasn't at all sure how Jungkook felt about him.
He lifted his hand and traced the form of Jungkook's lips. He had such kissable lips!
Jungkook caught Taehyung's hand and kissed it.
"Good morning, sleepy." Tae whispered.
"Good morning, beautiful." Jungkook answered and opened his eyes peering down at him.
He put a finger under Tae's jaw and drew him up for a kiss.
"Jungkook have you seen Taehyung, he hasn't slept in his bed and I'm..." Jin knocked, talked, and barged in simultaneously, stopping shocked, and turned and left, closing the door behind him, and then re-entered the next second.
"Ha, no, thi, no." he left again, shaking his head.
Taehyung and Jungkook were both quaking from silent laughter.
"That went well." Jungkook pressed out between shakes.
"I should go talk to him." Tae said preparing to get out of bed.
"What are you gonna tell him?" Jungkook held his breath.
"Oh." Tae fell back on the bed, and Jungkook, "What should I tell him?" he looked at him, with an anxious feeling in his heart.
"What do you want to tell him?" Jungkook's eyes were big and questioning.
Taehyung was beginning to freak out, "What do you want me to tell him?" he asked, very quietly, fearing the answer and feeling like a coward for putting this on the younger at the same time, but he really wanted to know.
Jungkook took his hand and looked down on their joined hands, being quiet for a, really very, long time, the freaking had begun to take over Taehyung when he finally spoke, "I want you to tell him you'll be my boyfriend." he said in the tiniest of voices, almost inaudible.
"Yeah?" Tae smiled like he'd just won a million dollars.
Jungkook just nodded without looking at him.
"You're in love with me?" Tae couldn't believe it!
Jungkook just nodded, still not looking up.
Taehyung threw himself on Jungkook and kissed him.
Kissed him.
Kissed him.
With everything he got.
"Stay here," Tae said and got out of the bed, "I'll be right back!"
He picked up his boxers and put them on as he stumbled out the door.
Jungkook just layed there, stunned.
And happy.
He should be happy, right?
Taehyung kissing him like that?
That was a good sign, right?
Didn't matter.
He was still happy.

"Is this why you've been behaving so weirdly lately?" Jin asked as soon as Taehyung set foot in the kitchen.
"Well, yeah, I guess? It's,"
"How long has this been going on for?" Jin interrupted him.
"Since yesterday." Tae admitted.
"Yesterday?!" Jin shrieked, "But you've been acting weird for months!"
"No, we haven't."
"Yes, you have!"
"No, we haven't!"
"Weeks, maybe..."
"FINE. Weeks."
Taehyung was picking on a bit of loose skin at one of his nails. Not knowing what to say.
"So, what is this? You're experimenting, or?"
Tae didn't look up, "I'm in love with him." he said on a breath, "But we haven't really talked about it yet, you kinda interrupted our first conscious interaction since, well, kissing and stuff."
"And stuff?!" Jin was having a heartattack, "Taehyung, you're just kids!"
"Hate to break it to you, brother, but we're almost the same age you and Namjoon were when you got together!" Tae pointed out.
"That can't be true!"
Tae just shrugged.
Since it was.
"Huh." Jin had done the math.
"And don't say that was different, 'cause that's just insulting!" Tae was, admittedly, a bit defensive.
"Wasn't gonna."
"Yes, you were."
"Fine." Jin admitted, "It's just, I didn't think you were gay?" he said softly.
"I don't know what I am," Taehyung confessed, "But I know I've never felt this way before about anyone! And," again he shrugged, because let's face it, he was a bit lost in all this, "I've made out with girls and had crushes and all that but, never like this." he felt completely naked and totally vunerable telling all this to his brother.
Jin closed in on him and held him, "It's freaking terrifying, isn't it? Being in love?"
Tae laughed on a gasp making him cough a bit, and nodded.
Jin kissed him on his head and let go of him, "I'll let you get back to your boyfriend," he said with a fond smile, "if that is what he is?"
"I hope so." Tae said staring at the floor, "He said he wanted to be, but..."
Jin nodded towards Jungkook's room, "Go talk to him. I won't disturb you any more today." he promised.
"But Taehyung!" he shouted very softly just as Tae got out of the kitchen so he had to turn back, "Before you," Jin turned bloodred, "do, anything more advanced," he looked at Tae to be sure he understood what he was saying, "do some research or come talk to me?" he nodded invitingly, "There are, preparations," Jin could not believe he had to have this sex talk with his precious baby brother, "you need to take, ok?"
"You mean like lube, and stretching and stuff?" Tae asked, innocently.
"Aish!" Jin wriggled where he stood, totally uncomfortable with the realisation they already knew, "Get out of here!" he waved him off, "But yeah! That stuff!" he yelled at his back.

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