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Taehyung was sure his ears were going to fall off. Everyone offered their sympathies and thoughts and prayers and hopeful thinkings and 'we'll make sure he gets the best treatment possible's, and 'how could this happen?'s and, 'yada, yada, yada's.
"Maybe we should just leave the country?" he heard Jungkook doe, "I  don't get me wrong, I love my country, but?" Taehyung stole a glance and saw him shrug and how the President's people seemed to panic inside.
'Way to go, baby!' he silently praised his man for putting the potential publicity nightmare of their star athlete, emigrating over this, at the front of their minds.
"It just seems like such a waste, you know?" he heard Namjoon think out loud, "We both have these really long and arduous educations under our belt, and, we're not using them? Because we love eachother? I mean, what has that got to do with anything, really?" Namjoon was truly in dispair, "I'm sorry," he apologised, "I didn't mean to vent on you, I'm just," he stroked his face.
"No, no, don't apologise!" one of the presidential envoys said, "I agree with you."
'Holy cow!' Taehyung thought, and made a mental note for Minho. This was clearly their way in!
"How are you holding up, kid?" Coach asked and put and arm around Tae.
"I don't know," Tae sighed, "I keep going back and forth between just wanting to scream and refusing to take it all in?" he shrugged, "He's always been there for me, you know? And now? I mean, I can take care of myself, it's not that, I just, he's been my parent longer than my parents were." Which was streaching it a bit, but next year, their parents would've been dead for thirteen years, and Tae was thirteen when they died, so, "And I love him, you know?" Tae didn't need to pretend, the tears came naturally.
"It's just hard not to feel responsible, you know?" Hobi was hugging himself, trampling in place, "If I hadn't, we hadn't come out like that? He wouldn't have had to," he made a strained face, "and this, I mean, no one would've known he was gay, you know?"
'We need to stop saying you know,' Tae thought. He heard it everywhere. But maybe it lent some credibility too? Not sounding like they'd practised? Which they hadn't.
Only schemed.
"Taehyung," Mr Kim said, softly, "the media is asking for a comment from one of you, and I think we should..."
'Use the opportunity.' Tae filled in, silently. "Hobi." he said, having evaluated everyone's potential impact, "The rest of us are too distraught." he said, hoping that Mr Kim would understand what he was implying, that obviously Jungkook would have the biggest impact but, giving the world the impression he was too, emotional, wounded, what was the word he was reaching for? Never mind. Too, too to come out and play.
"Of course." Mr Kim said, putting a hand on Tae's arm and giving it a squeeze to signal, message recieved.
Taehyung was beginning to feel like a cynical politician, taking advantage of every single thing to further his cause, but hell! Rather that than just sitting around being scared, helpless, and furious.
"Excuse me," he said to the people around him, "I need to," he waved his hand noncommittally, and walked off.

He tried to text Minho, but he couldn't focus his thoughts enough to put letters together to form words.
Or if it was his fingers that didn't cooperate enough?
He couldn't understand what he'd written, so, he went into the bathroom and called him.
Since the talking still worked.
Because he'd re-routed all his energy and cognitive function to that so he would be able to do what needed to be done out there.
He could fall apart later.
Like Jin'd done.
He got cold all over and decided to fall apart sooner rather than later.
Just, in private. Though.

"Shoot." Minho answered.
"I sent Hobi to give a comment, we're too distraught, highest impact after Jungkook, you should watch." Tae abbreviated.
"Ok." Minho hung up.
They were at war.
That's what it felt like.

"Today, the kindest, most loving man I know, Dr Kim Seokjin was attacked and beaten to within an inch of his life for walking down the street." Hobi's voice broke but he pulled himself together, "He lost an eye and is in a coma." he took a deep, shaky breath, "And we don't know if he suffered any permanent brain damage." he wiped his tears, "Right now, obviously everything is about Hyung and being there for him and his family, but, I know Hyung would want us to continue to," he had to take another breath, "he was going to launch a project tomorrow, helping children and youngsters that have been disowned and abandoned by their families for being gay." Hobi broke down, but pulled himself together, "Sorry." he apologised, "He'd want us to help people, so that's what we're going to do. Thank you."
He left.
'I love you and I want to hold you. You did great.' came a text from Minho.
'I love you and I want to be in your arms. Thank you.' he texted back.
Taehyung got a text from Minho, 'A+', it said, making Taehyung feel all kinds of weird, proud, and inexplicably, sad.

"He's stable now." A nurse said, "You can see him, if you want?"
Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon gathered, "Hobi?" Tae asked, "You go first, guys." Hobi motioned, "You're his family."
"So are you." Namjoon said and pulled him with them.

"Before you go in," the nurse said with her back to the door, "be advised, he's not pretty, everything is bruised and, he's got drainage and, well, it looks bad." she warned them, "And it is hard to see a loved one like that. But," she sighed, "listen, we don't know how the brain works and even if he's in a coma right now, he could still be, feel, your distress, so if it gets to much for you, just step outside for a second, yeah?"
"Thank you." Taehyung said.
And she let them in.
"Jin." Namjoon wailed and took his hand and kneeled beside the bed, resting his head against Jin's side, crying, silently.
Tae had to turn and get out of there, straight away, fearing he might throw up as he retched and cried, supporting himself against the wall outside.
Jungkook came out after him, tears streaming down his cheeks, holding him, "Come on, baby." he said softly, "He will know you're there, it will calm him, I'll hold you baby."
"Ok." Tae said, and pulled himself together as best he could, 'Divert all power to front deflector shields!' he ordered himself.
Namjoon was still on the floor with Hobi behind him, steadying him, tears flowing freely.
Taehyung had to lean on Jungkook to get closer to the bed, he's legs were made of jello.

Jin didn't look alive.
It looked as he was dead and this was just some cruel experiment some crazy scientist was conducting, keeping him in suspended animation, slightly tethered to life but closer to death.
He took a deep breath and swallowed loudly before bending down to his brother.
"Earnie, it's me." he whispered close to Jin's ear, "I love you and I'm safe, we're all safe, you're safe, we got you, Earnie, you can relax now. You're safe. We'll be here when you wake up. We're here. We're here beside you and you're safe. You're safe and we love you." he assured him, "We love you. I love you, dad."
"We love you, dad." Jungkook chimed in, leaning in beside Tae, holding his arm around Taehyung's back.
"Come back to me, honey!" Namjoon cried, "I love you, come back to me!"
"Come on." Hobi said and more or less lifted Namjoon off the floor and lead him out of there.
"It's Jungkook, dad. I love you. We're ok, we'll be ok." Jungkook cried, softly. He really wanted Jin to understand that he didn't need to worry about them right now.
"Everyone's here," Tae continued, "we're gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok." he suddenly remebered, "Minho is gonna keep us safe."
It was Minho Jin had turned to when he broke down, it was Minho he trusted to look after his kids when he couldn't.
"We should get him here." they both said, sharing a thought.
"Would you?" Tae asked.
"Sure." Jungkook left.
"Jin." Taehyung said, "I love you. This is not how Earnie and Squirt end. It's just not."
He layed down, very carefully, beside him, giving him comfort through his presence, like he'd done since they were children, "I'm here, Jin, I'm here." he kept repeating.
The same mantra they'd used to comfort eachother since they were first orphaned.
Because no matter what, they still had eachother.
Could hold on to eachother.
Was there.
For eachother.

Taehyung had no idea how long it took for Minho to get there, he just wanted to be by Jin, anyway.
Namjoon and Jungkook were there too, holding Jin's hand, stroking Tae's back, supporting them.
Hobi was in and out, doing what he could, talking to the people that came by, wanting updates, trying to shield the rest of them as much as he could.
"Finally." Hobi sighed when Minho showed up, looking disheveled in a way they'd never seen him, and tired beyond belief.
"Hey," Minho greeted them, softly, "sorry I took so long, I just wanted to get things done so I would be able to stay with you for a while." he excused himself.
"Thank you for coming." Taehyung said from the bed.
"Of course!"
"Can you do that big brother ting you did when he freaked out?" Taehyung asked, "He trusts you."
"Come on," Jungkook said and lifted Taehyung off the bed, "let's give them a minute."
Minho changed places with Namjoon and sat down beside Jin, finding the time to peck Hobi on the lips and whisper, "I love you."
Hobi squeezed his shoulder, and put an arm around Namjoon, leading him out.

"Jin." Minho said and had to think, "It's Minho." he paused again, "You just hang in there. I promise you I will take care of them. You don't have to worry about the kids right now. Focus everything on you. That's how you can help them. By surviving this. So you live, you hear? Live to fight another day. With me. I need you on my team, Kim Seokjin. You are a formidable fighter. And you're not done. We're gonna change the world together, you and I." he sighed, "And become fathers. Real fathers. And you're gonna be amazing and I'm gonna have to turn to you for advice." he sobbed and took a breath to calm down, "But 'til we can do that, I will take care of the kids and Namjoon. You have my word. I promise. But you need to promise yourself to fight for your life. Promise me Jin. Fight."
Minho could've swore Jin's gunk glued eye moved under the eyelid.
"I'll hold you to that promise. Kim Seokjin." Minho squeezed his hand.

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