Chapter 201. Tian Long vs Demon Emperor.

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Hello new reader! This is chapter 201. It isn't a typo. It has gained enough popularity for me to upload the story on a daily basis for more than 200 days. I haven't missed a single day yet~. So I would recommend at least giving it a try.

Hehe, after this little shameless self-promotion, here you have the links to go to chapter one! (*^3^)/~♡




Archive of our own->

I appreciate your support and hope you have a happy time while reading~.


After Tatyana revealed her true self, her elegant black dress began transforming into a royal red dress.

First, Tatyana's head was adorned by a black crown with a green jewel in the middle. The crown was more like a tiara, splitting in the middle and going up like two horns, ending in three pointy edges at the base, middle, and the top of the two 'horns.'

It oozed black and green haze, sending chills to anyone looking at it and amplified the aura around her, making all beings under Transcendence Realm want to kneel and surrender to her.

Her long black hair hung loose, moving with the air elegantly. Red light poured through the corner of her eyes, leaving a red trail and her gaze seemed to be looking down at the world.

She had a black collar that hugged her neck with another green gem encrusted in the middle of it together with other decorations.

Her torso was barely covered. The red dress only covered her perfect breasts and was adorned with armor-like dark decorations around it, similar to her tiara, with pointy but elegant edges. The red itself seemed to be made of moving thick red light, giving it a mysterious beauty.

It was sleeveless and had two black and wide red strings that stuck to her slim, naked, perfect waist and connected the top with her skirt.

Her waist was surrounded by the same armor-like parts that were on her chest area, and these armor-like decorations partially belted her belly, making an alluring image. The waist and chest area were also decorated with green gems that complimented her collar and tiara crown.

The skirt was double layered. The outer part was long and would even slightly trail if she walked on the ground. It was somewhat stiff because it was armored, yet it moved around with her steps and was completely open in the front. Below the big armored skirt, there was a long silk skirt that reached her ankles with a darker red color.

On her hand, a beautiful but intimidating sword appeared. The sword was 1.1 meters long and somewhat wide, with the center of the sword being thicker. It had an interlocking circular pattern around the handle with three green gems encrusted on it.

(Author Note: Image on P.a.t.r.e.o.n.)

After this dress covered her body, Tatyana's aura multiplied seemingly endlessly, covering thousands and thousands of kilometers around her. By the time the change was done, she had walked until she reached the same altitude as the Demon Emperor and Empress.

Tatyana looked at the Demon Empress and said, her voice sounded authoritative, giving all the people that listened to it the sensation of being pressed down. "This eminence will give you one last chance. If you tell me what you did to that portal, I will graciously not make you suffer for eternity and will comfort myself by just killing all of you."

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