Chapter 229. A Foolish bet.

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They continued speaking about Yasenia's cooking skills until they reached another location with a Trial. It was in the middle of a plaza. This one was smaller than the other, at 4 meters in height. The formations on it were less complex; this could be discerned with the naked eye.

As they did with the previous Monolith, Yasenia and the others walked toward it, not caring about the queue. This time, no one stopped them. Even though some people gave them a stink eye, there wasn't anyone who cared enough to stop them. Moreover, Yasenia was releasing a passive aura, letting people know that she wasn't a pushover.

When they came close, they saw people attacking the Monolith. It seemed to be for measuring strength. Each time someone hit it, a number made of energy would appear on top of the Monolith. If you went over a certain number, it would become an energy stream and go inside the cultivator, giving them Trial Points.

Yasenia read the rules aloud. "The Physical Trial. Only attacks that aren't enhanced by external sources are allowed. For the Waste Gate Cultivators, 40 Strength Points are needed to pass and gain 2 Trial Points. Mortal Gate cultivators need 80 Strength Points to gain 5 Trial Points. Earth Gate cultivators need 140 Strength Points to gain 10 Trial Points. Heaven Gate cultivators need 200 Strength Points to gain 20 Trial Points."

Yasenia raised her eyebrow, "Do you think we can abuse this monolith to win points?"

Kali frowned and said, "It shouldn't be this easy to abuse something created by a powerful senior, right? There must be a catch."

Angel offered, "Yasenia, how about we watch for a while first? We can challenge it whenever we want anyway."

Yasenia nodded, "Sure, we will do as you say."

And so, they decided to watch other people challenge it before trying it themselves.

The first person that approached it stood before the Monolith, full of confidence. He wasn't very tall or muscular, but like most cultivators, he had compact muscles after constantly training. He took it slow and gathered energy. His fist roared with blue energy as he punched forward.


The fist landed on the Monolith, creating an air shockwave. Then the Monolith's formations lit up with a weak light. That light spilled from the formation lines and gathered atop the Monolith. Then, it changed forms and transformed into the number 126.

This number flickered and dissolved midair, becoming an energy stream and rushing toward the man's dantian. The man had entered through the Mortal Gate, so this counted as passing it with flying colors. He was satisfied with his performance."Nice! Five Trial Points!"

Then, he gathered energy one more time and punched out . This time, he didn't put in as much effort, knowing that he had more than enough strength to overcome it.


The light that spilled from the formation rushed upward and transformed into the 105 number, but to the cultivator's surprise, it exploded in light and didn't go toward his dantian. The man was surprised and then enraged. "Huh? What happened? Isn't the value to pass 80? This shit is broken!"

Yasenia also frowned for a second and then understood. "Could it be that you won't gain points if you hit it with less strength than your previous blow?"

The others agreed with Yasenia's approach. They continued watching him without intervening. Someone that went through the Mortal Gate had three attempts for each Monolith, so he still had one blow left.

This time, the man didn't hold back and used his whole strength, coupled with his strengthening skills, to create a powerful hit. The blue aura was much more imposing than before. Then, his fist burst forward and landed with more power than the first one!

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