Chapter 215. Four Gates. A demon's cunningness.

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Where Yasenia and the others arrived was in ruins. The surroundings were filled with various structures, mostly toppled and crumbled with growing vegetation. Yasenia, Angel, Kali, and Sarah were hiding behind some tall trees where lush vegetation governed that area. Thanks to the state of the area around the town, the vision was mostly unimpeded.

They could see that the town Angel spoke about stood in the center of these ruins, but they couldn't see its state. A pristine white and grey wall surrounded it, reaching more than 200 meters in height. The town was big enough that calling it a city wouldn't be accurate, but not wrong either. In the area around the walls of the mysterious town, there were two main groups, one with humans and beast humans and another with humans and demons.

Even if there wasn't anyone fighting yet, the air around was tense. These two main groups were trying to gain the right to enter the town first. But there was a peculiarity on the town wall. Four gates could be seen on the rectangular wall, each with a word above them. They were one after another.

Yasenia read from left to right aloud, "Heaven, Earth, Mortal, Waste." Angel and Kali were confused as they didn't understand this language, this made our baby remember the stone stele she had seen before, but she would tell Yasenia later.

Yasenia clarified, "This is a language of the days before the Heavenly Cataclysm, it was the most common, and almost the whole world spoke it. Each zone has developed its own language during the last million years, but they all derive from this one."

They nodded understandingly. Yasenia looked at Sarah and said with a raised eyebrow. "But it seems I was not the only one who understands it."

Sarah blushed, 'Sorry, Yasenia. The system gave me the ability to read all languages!' Although Sarah didn't speak, they took her shyness and silence as an affirmation. They refocused on the four gates.

The heaven gate was an imposing eight-meter tall doorless gate. It had a lot of decorations on the frame, looking grand and imposing. The aura emitted from it was very thick, much more than anything Yasenia had ever felt in her life. Her tail was dancing with happiness just feeling it, and her [Celestial Pearl] spun silently. The tail and the pearl absorbed the ambient energy slowly and nourished Yasenia.

The earth gate also had a high amount of energy; it was still higher than their continent, which was impressive. However, it was incomparable to the Heaven gate. The decorations were simple and elegant and it was also doorless. It wasn't as big as the heaven gate, at four meters tall. It was attractive, but putting it in comparison, Yasenia found it lacking.

The mortal gate was as plain as it could get. It was normal in every meaning of the word. Two meters tall and surrounded by an arc of rocks. The energy it released was low even compared with the outside.

Finally, the Waste gate's turn arrived. Yasenia and the others were looking speechlessly at it. It wasn't a gate or a door. It was literally a hole in the wall that passed the fortress, and one would need to go on all fours to pass through it. Yasenia wasn't even sure she could go through it because of her big breasts.

Well, she wouldn't have to worry because our dragoness body was soft and flexible, but Yasenia wouldn't discover it as she won't pass through it. Yasenia felt that the energy going through there was so lacking in quality that she feared her cultivation would regress if she absorbed it.

Their attention turned toward the two big groups of cultivators. They didn't go forward. Instead, they stayed away, not gathering attention toward themselves, and listened to the discussion between the sides.

A tall male Demon was at the helm; he had four pairs of wings and reddish skin. His head had a pair of black horns growing from his forehead, and his aura was thick and oppressive. His body was not bulky, but not thin either, with perfect muscles across his naked chest. "It is true that your group was the first to find the town, but that doesn't matter. There really isn't much to discuss, we are going to enter first, or we will kill all of you to go inside. Choose. "

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