Chapter 269. Meeting someone unexpected in the public bath. (R-15)

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Yasenia lifted an eyebrow, 'Hmm, since they don't believe me, I should just show it to them. How to do it without damaging them permanently?'

Yasenia saw the middle-aged woman taking back some steps politely after patting her arm, which was impressive in Yasenia's books. 'Hoh? She has enough mental fortitude to stop her flirting only after indirectly rejecting her once. Mortal people are always so understanding... Should I reward her?'

Yasenia thought about many options and sighed with a smile, 'Well, whatever. I will show it in a direct manner and reward her in the same action.'

All the mortal women observed her next movements with a fire building in their cores.

After Yasenia released that naturally sensual sigh and her charming red lips curved, her index finger caressed her rod from the base to the tip. The movement was naturally seductive, gathering the twenty pairs of eyes there.

Then, Yasenia said, approaching the bold-middle-aged woman who had distanced from her step by step, "Since you don't believe me, sniff my finger softly once."

The three steps she took to reach the woman's side weren't fast nor slow but gave such allure that every single one of them was mesmerized.

That woman who was locked in by the dragoness's gaze and presence heavily blushed as she approached her nose to the slender and long beautiful finger. 'W-What will happen?'

The woman sniffed and what happened next sent all the people present, including Angel and Kali, into a stupor.

The woman felt a heavenly sweet scent filling her nostrils, that scent lit up her pleasure nerves, and her core felt on fire. Electric currents coursed her body as her legs buckled. Her eyes rolled up, and the moment her body fell to the ground, a guttural moan left her throat as if it was the last thing she wanted to do. "OOHHHH!!!!"

Her vagina sprayed, and she pissed herself as her entire world went white. The housewife's body spasmed as if her muscles had lost control.

Yasenia used her tail to gather the naked spasming woman between her arms, not minding the spraying going on below. She circled her head and body with her long tail, lowering her pleasure and preventing the woman from becoming dependent on the pleasure she could deliver.

Yasenia didn't want to ruin a woman just to prove her point.

Then, she carried the spasming woman inside the public bath and used one of the showers at the side to clean her after she stopped squirting and moaning like crazy. "Good. You are already relaxing, just slowly gather your bearings, and you will regain control from the pleasure soon, ma'am."

The women that had followed Yasenia inside were almost dying of jealousy. The sight of the tall Yasenia gently holding the middle-aged woman in her arms and slowly cleaning her was enough for the other women to want to suffer so that they could receive that kind of care.

Angel and Kali were in the showers at Yasenia's sides, cleaning themselves before entering the public bath, and also looking on with interest in their eyes.

Yasenia asked, "Do you two feel bad in any way?"

They shook their heads and chuckled. Kali said, "I feel bad for her since I've been there before. The sensations are truly overwhelming. Thankfully you held back all you could."

The mortal women were speechless, 'That happened after she held back all she could!? Is she the goddess of sex or something!?'

After listening to the commotion, the bath owners wanted to say something to Yasenia, but after hearing what happened from some of the other women and receiving their frightening murderous gazes, they didn't dare interrupt.

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