Chapter 293. Cecile's reassurance, and Andrea's care.

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After her conversation with Evelyn, Yasenia got thoughtful. 'Who do I call, Andrea or Cecile? Cecile was in the middle of something, so she may not answer me. I will call her first and get it out of the way.'

She inserted energy and tried to contact Cecile next. First, she sunk inside herself and focused on the connection. The feeling of her soul being connected one more time relaxed her whole being. During the time inside the Trial, the connection with Cecile basically disappeared. During the first years of the Trial, she felt strange and restless, but she got used to ignoring those feelings after a while.

Now that she could feel it one more time, she was honestly filled with many different and complex feelings. The longing, excitement, love, and attraction meshed in the sense of happiness and eagerness to meet. The fact that this connection remained meant that Cecile was completely fine, relaxing the restlessness inside of her.

Yasenia lost track of time as she felt that cool and refreshing feeling inside her heart and soul. After waiting for almost half an hour, her call got through. Next, Cecile's cool and calm voice was heard from the communication device. "Hello, my love. It has been a while. Is everything okay? I can feel your feelings somewhat turbulent."

Yasenia felt her heart squeezing with delight and fear. Cecile's voice felt like a refreshing wind in the middle of a hot summer. The feeling reignited some buried feelings, almost urging Yasenia to meet with her again right in that instant. Yasenia asked hopefully, "Are you done with your thing, Cecile? I finished what I had to do and would like to reunite. I-I want to see you again."

Cecile was currently sitting cross-legged and naked in the middle of the Phoenix Tear Lake. The water had more energy than it had in the beginning; clearly, something with extreme power had hit it recently.

Cecile's bloodline, physique assimilation, and cleansing had already finished, transforming her into a complete Moon Phoenix. From now on, she and a normal Moon Phoenix would not have any differences. Cecile could feel she was about to unlock her beast form once she assimilated every massive power-up she had. Her current strength was honestly out of the charts.

Nevertheless, she had to bathe in the lake for more time to complete this assimilation in the future without problems. Hence, she couldn't leave that place yet. With regret in her voice, Cecile said, "I'm almost done, my love. I just want to absorb the residual energy in this place to be able to consolidate my cultivation in the first level of the Unification Realm. However, until then, I can't leave."

Yasenia felt her heart sinking. But knowing that Cecile was in an important phase and was unable to come to her, she controlled her emotions. Her tone became calm and collected again, and she changed the subject. "How big was your spiritual sense area when you awakened it?"

Cecile blinked and looked at the device for a second. It was not the question that surprised her but the way Yasenia spoke. 'She is holding back her emotions with me? Since when did Yasenia bottle up her grievances with us?'

Cecile frowned for a second but then returned to normal. She answered her question normally. "Ninety-four meters."

Yasenia was impressed.

Each meter after the ninety meters was honestly a big jump in potential. The fact that Cecile reached ninety-four meters spoke volumes of her improved innate talent. Yasenia had always thought Cecile would be between eighty-nine and ninety-one meters. Yasenia commented, "That's impressive, Cecile. When you finish absorbing the energy, call me again."

Yasenia suddenly heard Cecile speaking, "My love, I don't know what happened, but you can always vent with me all you want. We are together in everything, even in life and death, so don't hold back."

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