Chapter 225. Rash decisions don't lead to good outcomes...

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Yasenia walked into the shop and looked at the cabinets full of pill jars with different tags. A magic-level pill ranged between one and ten Trail points. An earth-level one sold between 20 and 50 trial points. Finally, heaven-ranked pills ranged between 100 to 1000 trial points.

Yasenia doubted her eyes. How could a single pill cost so much? Although she didn't know how many points could be gained from the trials, these numbers seemed exaggerated. Thankfully, they had a thirty percent discount on everything they bought.

Yasenia observed the three most costly pills. The first one was a [Fire Lightning Burst Pill], an attack pill that exploded with powerful fire and lightning. The tag below the decorated pill jars had their names on it. The description said that even Nascent Soul realm cultivators would be damaged if they were not careful. Yasenia remembered that the Nascent soul was the ancient way of calling the Unification realm, so her face was solemn. 'What if someone buys it and uses it against me? I will have to be on guard.'

Attack pills were a concept very obsolete in the Sky Continent since talismans were better in every way possible. Fabrication cost and speed, strength, casting speed, effects, and the materials needed to create them, no matter which area you compared them, talismans were better than their pill counterpart. Therefore, the practice and recipes to make attack pills were mostly lost with the passage of time. Nowadays, only a handful of unknown and low-level alchemy families taught their descendants this kind of knowledge.

The other two 1000 Trial point pills were named [Soul bewitching pill], an extremely potent aphrodisiac that could make the person affected by it unable to live without the person that relieved them from it. Even after the pill's effects disappeared, and the victim received more pleasure from other people, an unbearable itch would still remain in their soul, and only the Yang or Yin energy the victim tasted when this pill was in effect would be able to calm it. Yasenia's face was ugly reading the description. 'This pill is too dangerous. I don't know to what extent this description is accurate, but if there exist similar pills...'

Yasenia said to the others, "We won't eat anything in this town unless we make 100% sure that it is safe to eat it." They were confused, but after reading the pill description, they all nodded seriously.

The other was simple but very powerful. Its name was [Nascent Soul Advancement Pill], a pill that aided energy gathering for the breakthrough into the Unification realm.

Yasenia continued looking around and was very impressed. The quality of the pills ranged between eighty and eighty-five percent. Yasenia wanted to ask who made these pills since the town residents were mortals, but she held the question for the moment. She wanted to see if the other shops in the city had this quality of pills or if they had been lucky enough to find the best alchemy shop in town.

Yasenia didn't find anything she needed urgently or lacked after looking around for a while. The variety and amount of pills she received on her birthday were enough to last for a long time. Still, there were a lot of rare pills she had never seen before. The effects varied from what she had, but they weren't much better than what she knew. Therefore, she asked. "We aren't in need of pills for the moment, but we are interested in pill recipes. Can we buy any?"

Yasenia thought that, even if the effects were similar, maybe the production methods, ingredients, or time needed to create them were better from what she knew. Moreover, Yasenia was sure that senior alchemists could become stronger after seeing how the pills were made in ancient times. Yasenia smiled expectantly. 'I hope they can help mom when I return with them.'

The shopkeeper laughed, "You are a sharp girl. That is the extra merchandise only for Heaven Gate cultivators! You can buy any recipe as long as you have the resources."

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