Chapter 258. Arriving at the wolves' den.

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After half an hour of a crazy run, Sierra slowed down as she approached a forest with blue and white trees. These trees were big enough to make Sierra look like a normal wolf.

The weather was still the same snowy, windy, and stormy, but the temperature was clearly warmer. Still freezing cold, but not as cold as before. Even then, the vegetation in the forest was flourishing as a wide variety of blue, white, and green plants grew normally.

Evelyn could also see small animals looking at them curiously. Evelyn was impressed, "Wow. Even in this weather, life is flourishing in the forest."

Sierra said, "That's true. Even in the cold season, there is plenty of prey to feed one pack."

Evelyn's face froze, "What do you mean in the cold season?"

Sierra answered with slight confusion, "Hm? I mean, when the temperature stops being so warm."

Evelyn almost fell off Sierra's head because of how surprised she felt, "This weather is warm!? I'm almost freezing out here!"

Sierra snorted with laughter, "Freezing? Then, you would maybe freeze to death when the weather becomes cold, even for some wolves of my pack."

Sierra suddenly stopped and looked left. Evelyn was seated on her head, so she moved with her. Evelyn asked, "Is there something in that direction, Sierra?"

Sierra said coldly, "A group from their pack is approaching. They must have picked up my scent since I'm not hiding it on purpose."

Evelyn asked, "Why?"

"So that they guide me to their den. After dominating this whole area, they don't stay put in one place since they have to find food."

"How far are they?"

Sierra said, "Three and a half hills away."

Evelyn made a confused face before smacking her forehead, 'Am I stupid? How could a wild wolf know about the metric system? I will have to teach her about it in the future.'

After waiting for five minutes, a group of ten wolves jumped out of the woods and landed in front of them, showing off their auras and fangs.

However, they all froze when they saw Sierra, who was almost triple their size. Sierra was already bigger than a normal wolf before breaking through, so after doubling in size, it was similar to seeing a normal wolf beside a puppy.

Sierra looked at them with her icy blue eyes and sneered, "Weren't you so imposing just a moment ago? Appearing before me as if you were above me? Why are you suddenly frozen?"

Yet, the ten wolves were so terrified of Sierra's aura that they couldn't even answer. They were all frozen stiff with their tails between their legs. Evelyn almost laughed aloud.

Sierra didn't lose time and ordered, using her aura, "Get me to your pack leader. It is time I put an end to this."

The ten wolves didn't say anything, and they made way for Sierra with their tails between their legs.

Evelyn was barely holding her laughter, "Why are they acting like that? Shouldn't they try to bar your way? You are clearly going to fight their leader, right?"

Sierra was confused, "What do you mean? Since I'm strong, they won't attack me. Who would attack something that is much stronger than them?"

Evelyn smiled wryly, "I think you will be surprised once we leave this place together."

Evelyn thought about something and asked, "By the way, do all the wolves have the same level of intelligence as you? You were very clever since the first moment we saw each other."

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