Chapter 383. New family member! Kaleina, the Endless Void Dragon.

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Author Note: IMPORTANT: The sketch for the new cover is FREE on P.a.t.r.e.o.n! Well, if you are a future reader, maybe you'll be able to see the finished illustration. To see it, you can either click the Novel Cover tag or, well, scroll down until you see it. My name on P.a.t.r.e.o.n is also "Mortrexo," so it's easy to find~.


The sound of the eggshell cracking made Yasenia stop her actions and focus on the egg. Her eyes shone with interest as she saw golden cracks slowly spread around it.

The others looked at the dragoness, and their eyes softened.

The image Yasenia portrayed was truly captivating as her body was curled around the hatching egg, and Yasenia's expression became tender and gentle.

The way Yasenia was hatching the egg looked like a mother dragon nesting her egg, so they felt that the scene was enchanting. 'Will she look this way when she looks at our future children?'

Those thoughts flashed in their minds, making them feel anticipation for the future with Yasenia.

Yasenia nuzzled the cracking egg with her snout and softly encouraged it, "You can do it, little one. Push harder."

As if hearing Yasenia's encouraging voice, its struggles became more active, and the cracks on the egg became larger.

The purple-golden egg was now filled with golden cracks all around, but mostly in one spot in the middle where you could see a little bulge appearing from time to time. It was clear that the creature inside the egg was pushing at that point.

Yasenia didn't help the little child. The action of breaking free from their own eggshells was essential for most creatures. It was a feat of strength that could affect the child's development.

If a parent had to help their child to escape their eggshell, it was doubtful whether the child could survive the harsh cultivation world.

After three minutes of struggling, Yasenia and the others suddenly saw a small snout break through the hard eggshell and open a small hole. Yasenia became excited, and Angel exclaimed. "It is going out of the shell!"

The little creature's struggle continued until it could finally part the eggshell enough to allow its little, snake-like head to pop out.


The toothless mouth opened, releasing a sharp, short cry that melted Yasenia's heart.

The little snake-head was slimy and had a mesmerizing violet color with closed eyes. It was moving from side to side, trying to push its body out of the egg behind it.

"Good job! Keep pushing, little one. You are almost there." Yasenia's voice was soothing and gentle while she patiently waited and looked at the small snake-like creature slowly slithering out, carrying the fluids out of the egg.

The tiny creature was similar to a snake but had two small arms at the front. It used those arms and wriggled out of the egg, the rest of its serpentine body finally leaving the egg.

The others observed curiously and attentively since their future children may also greet the World this way. It was a little magical scene.

After some minutes of struggle, the cute purple creature finally left the egg and fell onto the wide couch, squeaking with an adorable and sharp noise.

"Good job, dear." Yasenia laughed happily and lowered her snout to lick its body clean. The small let-out cheerful sounds as Yasenia's tongue cleaned it from the fluids of the egg.

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