Chapter 281. Truth Saint, Fu Jing Jing.

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Angel was surprised, "You've been trapped here since this Secret Realm was created? How many years have you been here? It should be very boring..."

The woman's gentle laugh echoed in the crystal cave. "Don't worry, little girl. I'm half asleep until someone worthy appears here. So time goes on quite quickly."

Angel snorted and said, "W-Who is worried? I was just asking."

Angel heard the woman's gentle laughter again, making her fair cheeks blush. The woman said with a cheeky tone, "Moreover, I'm not so young to be bothered by time one or two hundreds of thousands of years." Angel choked on her saliva and entered a coughing fit.

As Angel coughed, the energy in the surroundings spun and rushed toward the mattress. Then, that whirlpool of energy slowly took shape. The voice of the woman was heard while these events happened. "I can only materialize myself two more times, but I think you are worthy to inherit my powers. Especially because of the peculiarities in your heart."

Angel gathered her bearings and observed the energy converging and taking the shape of an extremely beautiful woman. Even before she formed, Angel's eyes began to widen.

Her skin was as fair and glossy as pure marble, but it also gave a supple feeling. The word perfect skin could be applied to her, and no one would say it was exaggerated.

Her hair, as black as a moonless night, reached below her knees in a waterfall of glossy darkness. It waved even without air, giving her an ethereal feeling. Her long white robe fluttered about, following and seemingly coordinating with her hair in a surreal spectacle of feminine beauty.

Her aura was infinitely profound. For Angel, it felt boundless, something that not even Tatyana's aura made her feel.

This woman was clearly many levels above Tatyana cultivation-wise, even higher than the two Gods from Yasenia's inheritance.

Her facial features seemed the representation of gentleness. She had gently curved eyes and brows, a soft smile that could melt anyone's heart, and an oval face that gave tender feelings.

However, her eyes were somewhat creepy.

The iris and pupils were crystal white, you could differentiate them from the sclera, but it gave a strange feeling of discomfort. Her white eyes appeared as if they could see through everything past, present, and future.

An unmatched senior. That is what this woman was.

Angel was in awe as she looked at the woman. Yet, when she looked at those eyes, strangely, she didn't feel fear. Even the aura this senior gave felt like a refreshing breeze for her.

Curious about her white eyes, Angel asked, tilting her head. "Are your eyes okay? Did you hurt them in the past?"

The woman's smile deepened, making her facial features even more gentle than they already were. "They are fine, child. They've been like this since I had a memory. Thank you for caring about me."

Angel was flustered again, "Who would worry about a stranger!? I was just curious."

The woman laughed again and said, "Can you tell me your name, child? I'm named Fu Jing Jing, but the World knows me as one of the five Saints, the [Heaven's Truth Saint]."

Angel's entire being froze for a second as her eyes opened to the limits. Right, after, she fell to her knees and stuttered. "Venerable One! I'm deeply sorry for being disrespectful!!"

Angel reacted so exaggeratedly because the title of "Saint" wasn't gained lightly. Especially saying that "The world knows me as Saint" is something that can't be said without facing punishment from the Heavens.

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