Chapter 375. Diving a little deeper into Tatyana. (R-18)

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After saying good night to Cecile, Yasenia walked downstairs toward the living room, her mind recalling the night she had had until now. 'My dears really enjoyed the night. I can say that it is a big success ~. Who would've thought they would be so eager even when I was in my dragon form?'

Yasenia reached the door separating the entry hall and the living room and walked inside.

Her eyes went to the large couch before the large panoramic windows, and she stilled for a moment.

Tatyana was sitting cross-legged, calmly absorbing the energy around her and regulating her body. This made it so that her long and satin-like black hair waved even without air.

Her revealing black dress showed the milky white skin that glistened with the moonlight in an enthralling image.

Yasenia saw Tatyana's eyes slowly open, revealing her ruby-like eyes, more precious than any gemstone. They had a natural calming aura, and a small smile hung on Tatyana's lips.

It was different from the usual Death Empress; she looked like a quiet and gentle woman bathing in the moonlight.

Yasenia's mind came up with a sentence. 'As beautiful as the starry night, as far away as the Moon in the water.'

Tatyana looked to the side and spotted her dear daughter looking at her from afar. Her smile turned even more gentle. "Come here, little treasure. You don't want to keep mom waiting, right?"

Yasenia felt bashful for some reason, but she walked toward Tatyana while looking at her face.

When Yasenia reached before her, Tatyana extended her hand and caressed Yasenia's head. Yasenia jumped onto the couch and circled Tatyana, resting her head on her lap.

Tatyana didn't have any haste in doing what they were about to do, so she calmly leaned on Yasenia's body and slowly caressed her.

Her fingers traced Yasenia's facial features; her finger was like a soft feather as it passed over Yasenia's eyes, horns, lips, and snout.

Yasenia took a deep breath and exhaled through her nose. After ten minutes, Tatyana smiled. "Are you more relaxed now, little treasure?"

Yasenia let out a soft hum, clearly enjoying her mother's care. Yasenia suddenly remembered Tatyana's actions with Angel in the cave and asked with doubt. "Mom, what do you think about Angel?"

Tatyana thought about it calmly. "Hmm... She is a cute and innocent girl. A bit immature, but she is also a genius formation master."

Yasenia asked with a strange tone. "Do you like her?"

Tatyana blinked and looked at Yasenia with a funny look. However, she didn't tease her and answered honestly. Her face became calm as she said something that surprised Yasenia.

"I don't. I don't like any of your lovers. I wish I could have you for myself. I wish I could kill anyone who lays their eyes on you. If your constitution didn't have the difficulties it has, all of them would've mysteriously disappeared the second they began getting romantically close to you. Now, even Valeria is slowly worming into your heart."

Yasenia was honestly stunned. She thought Tatyana didn't dislike them because of how she acted. However, it seems that everything has been her misunderstanding. Tatyana smiled and said softly. "Don't get surprised, little treasure. Which man or woman would like to share their lover?"

Yasenia's face became complicated, and she sighed. She thought that because Tatyana was willing even to share a bed and have intercourse with them, she was getting close to them, but she failed to remember that sex for Tatyana was meaningless.

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