Chapter 369. A Dragon's Reverse Scale. Relaxing Talk.

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They were all stunned at Mirrory's words, so they turned toward Tatyana. However, the Death Empress just raised her eyebrow and said. "Since she wants to teach all of you, I am not someone that likes to steal the glory."

Their lips twitched. 'Even if we can't detect that you said a lie, it doesn't mean our brains are lacking!'

However, they could only sigh as their seniors liked to act mysterious from time to time. Of course, they understood that most of the time, it was for their own good, so they didn't push the matter.

Kali stood up and said. "Although it is comfortable to lie here like this and do nothing, I'm curious about the [Earth Refining Cauldron]. I want to test the Transmutation feature."

Yasenia felt a pair of hands out of the six leaving her body and snorted in annoyance. They chuckled, getting the message clear. 'I want to be pampered!'

However, Andrea, Evelyn, and Angel were curious about this Cauldron. Therefore, one by one, they stood up with words such as. "Yasenia, I also want to learn about it. We'll cuddle later!"

"My love, I can maybe increase the production rate of equipment in the future, so I'm also very interested."

"My tailoring skills are mediocre compared with the others, so I can maybe use this thing to compensate. We'll come back later."

Yasenia snorted, but she obediently raised her body and allowed all of them to stand up. The four of them smiled and approached Yasenia's face to shower her with kisses and scratches, one after another. Yasenia's tail wagged and hit the sofa with rhythmical sounds.

Then, the dragoness said jokingly. "Hmph, since I've received such a good payment, this majesty will allow you to leave!"

The four of them laughed and went to the third floor; Ebirah decided to follow them.

This left Yasenia, Tatyana, and Cecile in the living room, with Sierra lying softly in the garden right outside the panoramic window.

Everything became calm again, and Yasenia laid back on Cecile's and Tatyana's laps. This time, however, she was with her belly upward, folding her wings in a way that wouldn't bother them too much.

Of course, Cecile and Tatyana didn't lose a second as they began caressing Yasenia's body tenderly. They used their hands to feel the scales, press on them, and relax Yasenia's muscles.

Cecile copied how Yasenia had massaged them in the past, which was very comfortable.

Tatyana was on another level, making Yasenia feel like her limbs had lost strength. Even her usual swishing tail had become limp, and she was almost drooling in comfort.

Cecile was awed and asked. "Tatyana, you know how to massage dragons?"

Tatyana nodded. "I know. However, I've only massaged one in my life. To allow a human to touch their body this way, the dragon must trust the human with their life."

Cecile blinked. "Why?"

Tatyana caressed with her index and middle finger an exceptionally shiny scale in the spot where Yasenia's long neck and head met and said. "This is a weakness most dragons have. It is called the Reverse Scale. A dragon's core is normally hidden here. There are some that have it in their brains and others in their hearts, but the most common spot is this place."

After Tatyana touched that spot, Yasenia let out some menacing growling noises. They weren't purs of comfort; they were warning signs. Cecile could even feel Yasenia's body tensing!

Cecile was stunned. 'Not even Tatyana can stop Yasenia from having involuntary reactions when touching the Reverse Scale!?'

Tatyana stopped touching it with a tender gaze, and Yasenia's body relaxed right after. "The fact she allows me to touch it is something impressive. You can try if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it."

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