Chapter 329. Yasenia's strange dantian. Angel's anger.

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Yasenia felt them hugging her body in various places, and she squinted comfortably. Under the eyes of the stunned crowd, Cecile laughed and scratched her chin, kissing Yasenia's snout. "My beautiful Yasenia is so mischievous~. Did you have fun fooling them?"

*Grrr~.* Yasenia purred in delight. Cecile's scratches were top-tier, a close third behind Andrea's.

Angel was caressing her wings and exclaimed excitedly, "Yasenia, you are super pretty! Look, you have a golden Sun on this wing and a golden crescent Moon on the other. Kya! I love it~."

*Grrrrrrr~.* The purr became louder and clearly delighted about Angel's praise.

Kali caressed her long neck, slowly feeling her scales and warm body. "Not to mention those beautiful images on your wings, the blue scales with white specs, similar to a starry night sky, are as beautiful. I thought we would have a rest of your seductive beauty, but now you are this majestic creature that will attract as many stares from the surroundings as before."

*Grrrrrrrrrr~.* If it weren't for their present situation, Yasenia would have loved to sprawl all of them and let her body in their care.

Yasenia slowly moved out of their clutches before she became stupid under their pampering and waved her hand, summoning the shield, [Heart of Glass], in front of Angel.

Angel grabbed it and said sweetly, "Thank you, Yasenia!"

Something cracking could be heard in the area where the leaders gathered. Probably nothing important...

Anyway, our group ignored it since they were too occupied caressing Yasenia all over her dragon body.

Andrea caressed the long golden dragon horns and joked, "Now I have handles~. If you know what I mean."

Yasenia's mouth arched in a more than necessary seductive smirk for a reptile, making them blink. Even the stare she gave Andrea carried an aura of allure they couldn't ignore. 'She can be seductive even in her dragon form!?'

Meanwhile, Evelyn was crouched and caressing Yasenia's chest with a frown. Then, she exclaimed with a despairing cry, "Why are you flat! Where are your dragon tit-?"


Evelyn spun in a star-like pattern after the tail landed below her chin at the perfect angle. An ovation appreciating the tail slap could be heard from the female army at their left.

"Beautiful tail slap!"

"Expertly done, the angular momentum transference is such that the spinning pattern changes as the General spins."

"Have you seen the arc her wonderful tail did? Majestic, I don't have words to describe its perfection."

Angel had moved toward the tail that came back from a beautiful tail slap and began feeling around. "The tail is beautifully thick and squishy~. Do you like it when I scratch here?"

*Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~.* Her growl was now constant, and the dragoness's body that was recuperating became a starry-blue blob with wings. It seems that no matter the situation, her dears' caresses were too much for our recently reborn dragoness.

Mirrory and Valeria looked on with stunned faces but then burst into laughter. Valeria giggled and said, "It seems that no matter how strong, she will always be our mistress's dear dragoness."

Mirrory snorted arrogantly, "If she weren't, I would have beaten her up. I still haven't forgotten how she made my previous master suffer!" Valeria looked at the red-haired woman and shook her head. 'Her mouth is not that honest for something called Truth Mirror.'

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