Chapter 213. A fool blinded by Lust.

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Author Note: Trigger Warning, Gore.


[Host. I feel that Yasenia's opinion about you is changing, but I can't tell the direction.]

Sarah asked, confused, 'What do you mean?'

[Host. Her affection parameters have probably changed. Although there have been changes until now, they weren't big enough for me to realize. This change has likely happened after your conversation, so I would recommend Host to think if you have said something that could put you in a bad spot.]

Sarah was even more confused, '"Probably changed"? That is an awfully unclear description. I rather you do not say anything than saying things like this.'

[Host. Reading Yasenia's feelings is extremely complicated; the barriers in her soul are extremely sturdy, and I can't do much with my current strength. You should feel glad I can tell this much.]

Sarah was about to continue speaking with the system when she heard Yasenia asking, "Who are you speaking with? Although I didn't want to delve into it, I'm getting somewhat intrigued about this person you keep talking to."

Sarah's eyes widened, and her brain froze. 'H-H-How does she know!? System, can she read minds?'

[Host. I don't know what abilities she has. But I can guess that she used your expressions to decipher it.]

'My expressions? I am trying not to show any! How could she-.'

[Host. You should answer first.]

'Right...' Sarah looked at Yasenia and spoke with a stutter, "W-What are you talking about, Yasenia?"

Yasenia smiled, but Sarah didn't see her eyes smiling. "I'm asking you, with whom are you speaking? And don't try to tell me that you haven't because it is quite obvious to me."

Sarah felt this pressure from Yasenia again, a pressure that came when Yasenia was asking something completely seriously. Sarah looked down and said, "I-I can't tell you. N-No matter what you say, I really can't tell you."

Yasenia lifted her chin, looking directly into her brown eyes with her goldens, and asked, "Are you trying to hurt me, Sarah?"

Yasenia saw Sarah's pupils dilate and panic spreading fast in her face. Yasenia's acute hearing also heard Sarah's beating heart accelerating, and her body began sweating. Sarah denied it instantly, "I'm not! I'm not! I would never hurt you! I've never wanted to hurt you since the beginning!"

Yasenia looked into her eyes for a little more time without saying anything, making Sarah so nervous that even some tears began gathering in her eyes. Yasenia thought, 'She can't fake these reactions, and if she could... Then, I would have to bow down to her.'

Yasenia released her chin and then turned around. "Let's continue then; I won't delve into your secrets anymore. However, if someone comes later and he or she is with you, alert us in time, even before they appear physically before us. Else, an accident is bound to happen."

Sarah felt her legs weaken when Yasenia released her chin. It was as if Yasenia pinched her entire body and soul with those fingers and let it free when she released them. 'My god, I thought I was done for! She can be really scary.'

Sarah was about to speak to the dragoness, not to let any misunderstandings between them, but she saw Yasenia look to the right and smirk, "Is he with you?"

Sarah looked to the side and shook her head and hands; if she had a tail, it would also be denying it. "He is not. I don't know him. He has nothing to do with me!"

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