Chapter 230. Lui Yi's strength! Yasenia's retaliation.

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Both swore at the same time, and Yasenia said. "Go first, each of us will punch three times, and we will decide the winner with the total amount of points."

The man boasted, "I have limited chances, so I will begin soft to win extra Trial Points. Then, when I have only three tries remaining, I will punch with all my strength! However, I didn't know that you were a masochist! Letting me go first, do you want to feel despair so badly? Hahaha."

Yasenia just smiled. Nevertheless, that smile carried hints of the complete opposite of masochism. 'The higher you climb, the harder you will fall. I'm actually eager to see your groveling face as you beg for your life.'

The man approached the Monolith and stood before it. He didn't use any skills and punched confidently. His big fist carried very high strength, clear that he was a body cultivator.

A big *BANG!* was heard when his fist landed on the Monolith. An air shockwave spread around because of the pressure from his normal punch. The light on the Monolith lit up relatively strongly, and that light rushed upward. Then, it transformed into the number 239.

The people around were impressed. "That's just his body strength!"

Another person nodded with praise, "As expected of a disciple from the [White Tiger Sect], their bodies are extremely durable and strong!"

A woman looked with flushed cheeks, "So manly! I wish my Dao Companion would be someone like him!"

A man at the side nodded, "He is very charming indeed."

The man smiled proudly and looked at Yasenia with a provocative gaze. However, when he met with Yasenia's charming golden slit eyes, they were as placid as a lake, and her mouth had a relaxed but naturally seductive smile. The man couldn't help but gulp, 'She is too damn beautiful!'

His eyes then scanned the reaction of her companions. He couldn't guess anything from the veiled fox woman, but the other two had wildly different responses. The brown-haired one looked at him with seriousness and slight fear, but the blonde girl's big blue eyes looked at him with naked contempt. Leaving at the side how cute the blonde girl looked, Lui Yi was confused, 'Why are their reactions so different?'

He stopped looking and refocused on the Monolith. Then, he put more strength into each punch, wanting to receive the maximum amount of Points. Since Earth Gate challengers only had seven chances, he punched three more times.





Then, he put the whole strength of his body, without using any skills, behind the third punch.



His normal punches at full strength were almost as strong as the full strength of the other cultivator that reached 321. It was really terrifying for the cultivators looking at the spectacle. Normally, defense and strength came side by side, which meant that the man's body was probably extremely durable. It was clear that he was someone that could fight above his cultivation realm.

After he used four out of the seven chances, he looked again toward Yasenia and asked, "Regretting it already?"

Yasenia kept looking at him with her typical smirk and asked, "Do you feel good while bragging?"

The man mocked, "Of course! Showcasing my superiority to stupid people like you or the blonde girl never fails to give me a rush of excitement!"

"Oh." Yasenia answered.

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