Chapter 268. Goodbye, Sarah. Trying a public bath. [End of Volume Five]

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After Sarah relaxed, Yasenia didn't loosen the hug and kept caressing her back. Sarah took out her head from the comfortable cleavage. She blushed when she saw it stained with her snot and tears. 'I got her dirty....'

Still, even though Sarah felt tired after crying so much, she also felt liberated right now. It was as if a burden she didn't know had disappeared.

Yasenia took out a towel and cleaned Sarah's face and her own breasts. While Sarah felt comfortable receiving Yasenia's care, she steeled herself and thought. 'I will gain her affection in the future! I'm bound to become a Harem goddess. Therefore, I'm sure I will be able to win Yasenia over with my sincerity in the future.'

Sarah nodded and motivated herself, 'After I gain experience, strength, and status in this world, I will try capturing Yasenia's heart again!'

[Host. If you accept the quest, you will gain benefits and hints about how to make that wish real. If you are so determined, I can't understand why you wouldn't accept the quest. The side missions would lead you to your objective extremely fast. You would gain points, resources, strength, and many more benefits. Not to mention if you manage to complete it, your chances of reaching unparalleled altitudes would multiply.]

Sarah buried her face once more between Yasenia's mounds, making Yasenia chuckle and caress her head again. "You still haven't gotten your fill? You are very greedy, Sarah."

Sarah said with an embarrassed voice, "I-It feels very comfortable here. M-Moreover, you told me you won't push me away!"

Yasenia felt ticklish with Sarah speaking with her head buried and laughed. Sarah felt the vibrations of her mellow and rich laugh. "I should have expected this when our first hug also went similarly. I will let you be some more minutes, but do not overdo it."

Sarah recalled all her moments with Yasenia fondly. Then, she spoke with the System while feeling and sniffing the dragoness's body and scent. 'Don't bother. I want to win her over with my own strength and sincerity. Yasenia is someone special in my heart. I don't want to have her beside me because of some options that appeared in the System.'

[Host. I can't comprehend your intentions. Wouldn't following the System advice be the same? After you obtain her affection, there probably won't be any more options, and it will be the same as if you did it by yourself. Moreover, losing affection gained by the System options is extremely hard compared to affection gained normally. The former is almost permanent, and the second can disappear with a single mistake.]

Sarah ordered, 'Stop. I don't want to hear about this again. I already know about the positives, but I feel that it would be too cheap to use the System on someone like Yasenia. If we were back on Earth, she would be such a perfect woman that people would condemn her for being fake. I don't want to taint such a female with tricks.'


[Order received. Locking all input about Yasenia until the Host orders otherwise.]

Sarah smiled and continued to rub her face on those malleable, soft, and sweet-smelling mountains.

[...However, I would ask the Host not to say that I 'Taint' your objectives.]

'Right, sorry, it was a form of expression, not what I thought.'

[Understood. Remember that I'm not good with metaphors, Host.]

Meanwhile, as Sarah conversed with the System, Yasenia looked down at the short woman between her arms, who had a smile as she rubbed herself on her. She sighed and gave her another five minutes.

Those five minutes flew by for the transmigrator. Then, as Yasenia pushed Sarah out of her embrace, she said. "Sarah, it is time to say goodbye."

Sarah's face became reluctant as she saw that pair of breasts get further away. 'I want to exchange myself for Angel. She can do this whenever she wants... Ugh, I feel like I drank a full bottle of vinegar.'

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