Chapter 274. Kali's first time. (2) (R-18)

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Yasenia licked her neck slowly and sensually as she lowered her waist. Naturally, she didn't penetrate her. She just placed the shaft between her lower lips, a calculative light dancing in her pink-golden slit eyes.

Kali felt the dragoness' thick shaft opening her lower lips and resting there as if it was its nest and a pleasant electric current zapped her brain. "Ahn~!"

Kali moaned as the thick penis was surrounded by her pussy-lips, and the thick shaft was pressing her clitoris. Her moist verdant green eyes looked into Yasenia's golden-pink ones, her face flushed with arousal.

Yasenia smiled and undulated her waist in sensual movements, rubbing her vagina with her penis. The dragoness smeared her whole penis with Kali's fluids, and Kali felt her pleasure increase as Yasenia rubbed her sensitive core with her dick.

Yasenia felt zero resistance to this intimacy. On the contrary, she felt her little fox moving her waist to match her movements, trying to feel more of her member. Her heart pounded excitedly, and she was over the moon because this could only mean one thing.

Kali had become completely accustomed to her penis.

Although Yasenia's heart was beating fast from excitement, her head remained clear. 'Slowly, Yasenia. Don't fuck it up because of greediness.'

Yasenia didn't stop her waist and lowered her face to kiss Kali's neck. At the same time, she looked at Angel sideways with a little bit of guilt.

She was with the two of them, but this was too precious of a chance to miss, only to give momentary fairness.

Angel was also very aroused because of Yasenia's previous administrations, but after looking into her eyes, she understood that this was an important moment. Therefore, she pointed at Yasenia's tail, telling her quietly that she could comfort herself with it in the meantime.

Yasenia's eyes flashed with gratitude and love toward her. It was a shame she still didn't have her spiritual sense, or she would have drowned her dear baby with words of love.

As the dragoness tenderly kissed Kali's neck and rubbed the fox's core with her dragon, her long tail surrounded Angel softly.

With more than two meters in length, she had enough to loop around her twice, squeeze one of Angel's large breasts, and slither down her belly, leaving enough tail to penetrate Angel deeply.

Angel felt constricted as Yasenia was creating pressure with it after coiling. The controlled sense of suffocation and restraint made Angel's heart pound with anticipation.

Then, Angel felt Yasenia's thick tail penetrating her in a single thrust. It opened her labia as her insides forcefully parted, leaving way for the assaulting member to smash against her cervix. Angel felt as if lightning had struck her. Her toes and fingers curled, and she bit her hand to avoid moaning without restraint. Even with all her efforts to keep silent, her voice leaked, "Mmm~."

Yasenia felt Angel's inside clamping on her tail, making it difficult to thrust in and out. Therefore, she didn't just penetrate. Yasenia wiggled and moved it in ways no penis would ever be able to.

The soft and bumpy scales scratched her vaginal walls deeply in places no finger could reach, sending Angel's mind into the pleasure realm, her eyes rolling and her body spasming.

Yasenia did this in no more than ten seconds, seconds when she didn't stop caressing, kissing, and massaging Kali's scarred body. She was multitasking perfectly, submerging both her dears in the deepest abyss her love could give.

Yasenia's kisses began going up, approaching Kali's right fox ear and biting it softly. She felt Kali's body tensing between her arms as a loud moan left her mouth. "Ah!"

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