Chapter 282. Fu Jing Jing and the Heavenly Calamity.

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The reflection snorted at Angel's declaration and began looking inside Angel's mind.

At that moment, the trial began. However, something unexpected happened. Angel's reflection suddenly frowned, clearly confused. 'What is this?'

Angel was prepared for whatever her reflection was about to say, but she realized that something was wrong when she saw a frown on its face. 'Did something happen?'

After waiting for some seconds and not hearing anything coming from the reflection, Angel felt that something was wrong, so she tilted her head and asked it. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

The reflection woke up from its thoughts and looked at Angel with a weirded-out face. "You... You don't have heart demons?"

Angel blinked, and she suddenly understood why it was frowning. 'Is my Spiritual Breakthrough affecting the trial?'

Thinking of that, Angel puffed her chest and said with a bragging tone, "Of course not! Yasenia smashed them all! I made a Spiritual Breakthrough long ago, thanks to her~."

The reflection was even more baffled, "Impossible. A Spiritual Breakthrough is not enough to erase all doubts about yourself. Everyone has something they fear. For example, your love for your mate is very deep. Don't you fear losing her?"

Angel asked, surprised, "Why would I fear that?"

The reflection, which had Angel's face, looked very cute because of her dazed face. She frowned and asked somewhat impatiently, "You don't fear that? What would you do if she died!? Don't you fear something like that happening!?"

Angel opened her eyes and yelled angrily, "Why do you say scary things!? That won't happen!"

The reflection smirked since denying possible truths would not only strengthen itself but make the trial more difficult. Still, when none of that happened, the smile on its face froze. 'Eh? Why am I not strengthening?'

It frowned again and was increasingly confused by the second, "So you do fear that happening, else you wouldn't have reacted so strongly. How could it not become a heart demon if you fear it so much!? This doesn't make any sense!"

Angel humped and looked sideways, "I'm not talking to you anymore. Saying such a bad thing, I don't like you."

The reflection's speechless levels reached an all-time high, "Are you a child!? You are doing a trial that could kill you! Why are you acting like a spoiled baby!?"

Angel humped again, "Not talking."

The reflection smirked smugly and said, "You talked! Ha!"

Angel blinked twice and argued back, "Who is being childish now? How could you trick me like that?"

The reflection was about to talk back with a smile and tease her but stopped. 'Wait, aren't I supposed to test her? What am I doing?'

Fu Jing Jing's voice interrupted with a gentle laugh, "So that's how it is. Indeed, it is like I thought."

Angel and the reflection stopped speaking. Angel tried finding Fu Jing Jing, but she couldn't see her.

She heard her ask, "Angel, did you have heart demons in the past?"

Angel nodded, "Yes! But they were all smashed by Yasenia~." She bragged again, afraid that miss Saint didn't hear her the first time.

Fu Jing Jing was amused but continued asking. "They completely disappeared after Yasenia took care of them, right?"

"En!" Angel nodded proudly.

"No matter how much you feared something, it didn't develop into a Heart demon again, right?" Fu Jing Jing asked again.

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