Chapter 342. Jaxon's situation. Andrea's previous partner.

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Yasenia looked into Jaxon's angry eyes calmly and maintained her gaze on him. "Did you expect this, Jaxon? I've had to be extremely careful because I had enemies everywhere. All because your annoying Demon Race wants to capture me."

Jaxon sneered, "No matter what happens to the Demons in this Secret Realm, the Sky Continent is doomed. There are already Demon Sovereigns in the continent, individuals much stronger than your mother. I wouldn't be surprised if you find out about her death when you return, Yasenia. Therefore, don't be so overconfident because you gain strength."

Yasenia approached the Golden Dome and asked Angel through a mental transmission. "Baby, surround him with formations. I don't want him to escape."

Meanwhile, she spoke to him. "I'm curious, Jaxon. Do you know why your race is so focused on my mother? It appears like they've been targeting me and powers associated with my mom since the beginning."

Jaxon smirked, "Well, from what I've heard, there is a senior that could very well be your father."


Yasenia's claw slammed onto the golden barrier, and her eyes thinned. "Jaxon, don't provoke me with those things." Then, her tone became cold, "My mother is mine. Did I make that clear? And those that will have their filthy eyes on her will die, no matter which power they belong to."

Jaxon's face became solemn as he felt pressured even though he was inside the Golden Dome. Yasenia looked at the group of forty humans, and her gaze landed on a particular short woman with brown hair.

That woman felt a chill as those golden eyes clearly locked onto her, and she felt a bad feeling rise in her heart.

When Yasenia's gaze returned to Jaxon, her gaze moved to Andrea as a sinister look crossed her eyes. 'What right did the woman she abandoned to be happy? Why could that disgusting deformed creature be able to build a relationship? She should have rotted with regret for deceiving me!'

Andrea was also looking at Jaxon, trying to prevent anything bad from happening, so she didn't see those eyes that looked at her so nastily. In Andrea's mind, she was an insignificant person, after all. Therefore, she didn't even glance her way.

Yasenia asked curiously, "Are the Tang and Long families allies with your Demon faction?"

Jaxon snorted, "Why should I tell you? Do you think you've got me cornered or something?"

Yasenia laughed, "Cornered? No, of course not. You are utterly trapped like an insect. A sad person that thinks he is the stronger, yet here you are, hiding behind a treasure made to protect you from seniors."

Jaxon's face fell, but Yasenia ignored it and continued speaking. "Do you know how much I care about your life and death? I really don't care about it. You are just a talentless person that is bound to be overcome by me."

Jaxon smashed his fist against the Golden Dome, creating a loud sound, and shouted. "Shut up!"

Then, he said coldly. "You know nothing and don't understand what kind of powers you are facing, yet you are so confident and arrogant. Even if you catch me here, you can't truly kill me. I can wait here until the Secret Realm ends, and then you will die."

Yasenia asked, "The Demons did something, right? They have tampered with the portal one way or another."

Jaxon was initially surprised, but he smiled right after. "So you know that you are going to die. Is that why you are so fearless?"

She looked into his eyes for a while, and a smile spread on her lips. "Pawn."

Jaxon's face sank as he glared at Yasenia.

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