Chapter 371. Andrea's first taste of the dragoness. (R-18)

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Author Note: TRIGGER WARNING, the next five chapters have interracial sexual content of a Dragon x Woman. You've been warned.


Meanwhile, Andrea carried Yasenia to one of the rooms upstairs. Holding the tiger-sized dragoness and walking around with her was a little strenuous, but our tall and strong Andrea could do it smoothly. Moreover, Yasenia had curled her long tail around Andrea's torso to secure her position further.

While they walked, Yasenia licked Andrea's face and mouth slowly.

By the time they reached the room, Andrea was already excited, and her pants began feeling tight. Yasenia's kissing method of using the tongue to explore their mouth was pleasurable and arousing as plenty of fluids were exchanged.

The bedroom Andrea chose to enter was not the main one, but it was spacious enough. The bed in the room was white and brown, big enough for three people to sleep comfortably.

Without delay, Andrea walked toward the bed and laid Yasenia on her back, trapping her below her with her arms. When Andrea looked down, she was surprised at Yasenia's reaction.

Yasenia was nervous and shy. The blue scales on her cheeks became visibly brighter, and her horns and eyes slowly changed from golden to pink. Moreover, her watery large, slit eyes were looking at her with clear bashfulness.

Andrea saw all this, and her heart almost stopped at how cute her dragoness looked. If it were on another occasion, seeing Yasenia like this would be enough for her to pounce and begin a night of wild sex.

However, since this would be Yasenia's first time in her dragon form, Andrea took it slow. Her lips quirked in a soft smile, and her long, slender fingers caressed Yasenia's bright cheek. "Are you feeling nervous, my love?"

Yasenia nodded and whined a little. "I-I don't feel too secure in my appearance."

Yasenia has always been a beauty that stole hearts with a single look. Therefore, now that she was a dragon, she felt that no matter how beautiful, her attractiveness wouldn't translate into sexual beauty for a human.

Moreover, she had doubts about how her dears would react to her privates. What if they found them ugly or something?

Andrea understood Yasenia's plight. Her face softened, and she rested her body on Yasenia's, allowing her to feel her hardened member. Then, in her deep and soothing voice, Andrea said. "Don't worry, my love. I understand why you are nervous, but trust me, okay? I really don't care how you look. Tonight, you've decided to give to me your first time, so let me guide you."

Yasenia placed her claws on Andrea's shoulders and nodded obediently. "O-Okay, darling."

Andrea kissed the dragoness's lips, relaxing her a little more. "Good girl. You are so beautiful; how could you think we wouldn't like you?"

It was a shame that her facial muscles made it difficult for Yasenia to kiss back with her lips. Therefore, she used her tongue to express her love.

Andrea didn't move forward and relaxed Yasenia's body. She pressed her waist against Yasenia's to let her feel her emotions.

Andrea felt lucky to be born with both sexes at times like these. Of course, the main reason was another one, but allowing her dear to let her discern her feelings of arousal so clearly was an advantage.

Yasenia's tail wagged, and her throat released her deep purs while she felt the rigid shat pressing on her scales. Andrea's dick was poking her, and Yasenia's heart surged with happiness after realizing she could still arouse her darling.

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