Chapter 245. Checking Favorability Through the System.

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Yasenia and the others walked around the armory. After asking the guards, they learned that they could even buy swords and other weapons inside the building. Therefore, they stayed for one more hour, searching for good weapons. However, after observing them, neither of them found a suitable piece of equipment, so they quickly lost interest.

After leaving the building, Yasenia asked, looking at the Waning Moon in the sky, "Do you girls want to continue? We've been going from challenge to challenge these last two days, and we've already entered the third day. Even though we had a small rest, maybe relaxing for a while would be nice."

Sarah said, "I would like to sleep, to be honest. After fighting a lot during these days, I've become tired."

"I don't care. Although I'm surprised, I still feel energetic enough to continue." Said Kali.

Angel grabbed Yasenia's hand and said with a happy smile, "I will do whatever Yasenia does! I'm not tired, but I also wouldn't mind sleeping with you~."

Yasenia patted her and thought for a moment about what to do. "We aren't in a hurry, to be honest. However, since Kali and Angel are still energetic, we can move around."

Sarah said nervously, "I can still go on!"

Yasenia laughed and said, "Let me finish what I was about to say. First, let's find a place to sleep. We will leave you resting there. Meanwhile, the three of us can look around and plan a route to follow. After we know the total amount of Monoliths and their challenges, we can each find the most suitable one for each of us. That way, we can gain Trial Points faster."

Sarah asked to make sure, "Will you come back to get me after I rest?"

Yasenia nodded, "Don't worry, I'm not going to disappear suddenly."

After Sarah accepted Yasenia's arrangements, they went to an inn and bought a room for Sarah to stay in. It was very cheap since the room had just a bed and a table.

Yasenia asked Angel to create a protection formation in Sarah's room to avoid problems. Sarah was touched by Yasenia's thoughtfulness and looked at her with a tender gaze. Yasenia looked back at her as if she didn't realize it and smiled. After getting to an agreement on where to meet, Yasenia left with Angel and Kali.

When Yasenia left with the others, Sarah let her body fall on the bed and sighed. She felt tension she hadn't been aware of leaving her body. Sarah muttered while looking at the wooden ceiling, "This was more exhausting than I thought. Too much has happened during these days..."

After doing nothing for ten minutes and relaxing, she asked the system, her voice somewhat lazy. "I think we are making progress in our relationship. What do you think, system?"

[Host. I can't read Yasenia's feelings, but I can feel that the other two have a better opinion of you after these two days. You have won some Shop Points thanks to this.]

Sarah realized, "Right! How had their favorability changed? I remember I can only check once per week. This should be a good time to check it."

[Host. The changes are as follows.]

[Ding! Angel's favorability has increased a single point! 10 Shop Points.]

[Ding! Angel's favorability has increased a single point! 10 Shop Points.]


[Ding! Angel's favorability has increased a single point! 10 Shop Points.]

After that message popped up eight times, the system told her the current total favourability.

[Congratulations! Angel favorability is now at -42]

Sarah was completely stunned, "Isn't the points out of 100? How can it be negative!? This is my first time hearing that it can go negative!"

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