Chapter 382. Hatching the egg!

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Author Note: Cliffhanger at the end~. Read at your own discretion~.


Their eyes fell onto the big chicken egg. Their expression couldn't help but become odd. Evelyn asked doubtfully. "Are you sure it is a dragon egg, Yasenia?"

Angel giggled, "It looks like a chicken egg."

Andrea was amused. "Well, it is fifteen centimeters tall, so it's double a chicken egg, but yeah, it's really underwhelming for being a dragon egg."

Valeria commented. "That's how you know it is from a powerful dragon. I can guess its bloodline is at least at a divine beast level."

Yasenia heard them and also thought it was strange. She knew that most high-level dragon species had special means to camouflage their offspring to make it look inferior to others. However, just in case, she used her nose and sniffed around it, using her aura to feel the life inside the egg.

The others waited for the verdict. "It really is a dragon egg. Or, well, at least I can feel a profound dragon bloodline inside. So I can't imagine it being anything other than a dragon."

They nodded, and their eyes focused on the egg, waiting for Yasenia to hatch it. Yasenia saw their expression and said strangely. "Why are you looking at me? I don't know how to hatch it. I've already wasted all my efforts in the past, and it didn't react to anything."

Cecile raised her eyebrow, "Did you try to use Blood Essence?"

Frowns appeared on their faces. Andrea asked, "How is the blood essence you used for Angel's ritual? Has it recovered?"

Yasenia nodded. Her voice was soothing as she coaxed them. "Don't worry, dears. I'm completely healthy. After being reborn, my blood essence was refilled. Also, I tried to use blood essence in the past by approaching it to the egg, not dropping it on the egg. I didn't feel any reaction then, so I reabsorbed it inside me."

They nodded, feeling better. Cecile said. "Don't use your blood essence. What if you mark it with it or something? You'll gain a new lover even before you realize it."

Yasenia was speechless, but it also made sense. Therefore, she looked at Tatyana and asked. "So, what should I do?"

Tatyana shrugged, "I don't know. How about you, Valeria? Any clues?"

Valeria materialized and looked at the egg closely. Then, she shook her head, "I don't. Something strange is protecting it, and I can't read through it with my current strength. I could see through it if I had at least peak-level Dantian Spiritualization Realm strength."

Angel asked the last senior present. "Mirrory, can you help us?"

Mirrory's spiritual sense covered the egg for a while, and then she said. "No idea. This creature is from the higher planes. I'm too weak to decipher anything."

They all sighed. Yasenia asked. "Is it safe even to crack it open? Its background seems extraordinary."

Tatyana shrugged. "What's the worst that can happen? As long as you don't abuse it, we will be safe. Even if its parents are gods or immortals, they won't be unreasonable enough to kill us for rearing their child when they couldn't."

Yasenia nodded and said. "Well, since my body and bloodline have changed, I may trigger it. If it is from a higher world, it is possible that it didn't react before because my bloodline was not that pure."

The others found it reasonable. Therefore, Yasenia decided to pour her blood first.

Her golden claw pierced her thought scales, and bright red blood began flowing.

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