Chapter 261. Andrea's Contracted Beast!

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The crab didn't understand why the powerful silver creature wouldn't charge toward the beasts like always, smashing and slashing them into pieces, so it was looking at Andrea while circling her, trying to find an injury or something.

The crab movements roused Andrea from her thoughts. She looked at it, speechless for a second, not understanding why it was circling her. 'Is something wrong with it?'

She placed a hand on top of its violet-gold shell, stopping it from continuing its dance around her. Andrea caressed the shell and asked, "What are you doing? You are going to get dizzy."

The crab stopped when it felt Andrea's hand on its sell. Even if the shell was a mineral, the crab could feel across it since the nerves and meridians on its back pierced through it, becoming one with it when it was inside.

This proved to be somewhat of a problem since it had begun to fall for Andrea's skillful pats as they were very comfortable. The way Andrea made pressure with her fingers as she caressed it was relaxing its whole body.

How could it not find them that way when even the dragoness becomes a blob under Andrea's caresses?

Andrea saw its vertical black eyes looking at her and asked gently, "Are you nervous about all those bad guys over there? Don't worry. It is I who will fight. You can just wait at a safe distance. I will make sure that you aren't hurt, okay, little one?"

The crab understood her words, and it felt something strange that it didn't know. It was a feeling that made the crab a little uncomfortable but feeling good nonetheless, a confusing feeling for it. Similar to when its parents praised it, but different.

Trying to ease its own confusion, it began blowing unharmful bubbles at Andrea while its extremities hit or tangled Andrea. This happened because It didn't experience this feeling before, so it showed in its actions.

Our heroic, tall beauty was confused and a little concerned at the sudden fit of the crab. She didn't dodge its actions and tried calming it with more caresses, but it wasn't working. 'Does it find the ambient here too hot? The place where I found it had much cooler temperatures than here.'

Andrea asked with concern, "Are you hot? What's wrong with you? Do you need water or something?"

The crab stopped its movements and hid inside its shell. 'Bad silver creature. I don't like how I feel around it. I will leave and not see it again! Only strange things happened after going with Silver Creature. Moreover, she may eat me!'

But even if the crab thought that way, Andrea's shooting armored hand made it impossible for the crab to move. 'Hmph, maybe I will wait a little more before leaving...'

Meanwhile, Andrea, who had misunderstood the crab's actions, looked at the door and struggled for a moment. 'I really wanted to explore that part, but it isn't worth putting my little friend in danger for it... Well, whatever. There are plenty of other places in the secret realm.'

She sighed and said, crouching in front of the crab. Her deep voice had a gentle tone increasing those strange feelings inside the crab. "If you want to, we can leave, little one. Gathering resources outside is already good enough for me. Do you want us to leave?"

The crab felt its insides churning, and it didn't know why. It was something that was making it anxious. The crab suddenly took out its head, almost hitting Andrea, who was before it.

Then, for the first time, its aura burst out. It didn't even use its aura the first time they fought since Andrea overwhelmed it so fast.

Andrea felt it like a tide hitting her and opened her eyes wide. 'Strong!'

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