Chapter 286. Yasenia's Principles Challenged!

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The old man sighed and said, "The phoenix was also similar... You are truly a match made in Heaven. Follow me."

Yasenia followed behind and asked curiously. "The Phoenix? Are you talking about Cecile?"

The old man didn't answer. "The thing you lack the most is experience; life experience, to be exact. You have your mind focused on one objective, but you haven't had major setbacks. You've quickly understood skill creation, cultivation, alchemy, blacksmithing, formations, acupuncture, combat, body training, and sexual arts.

"You've gained your lovers without much trouble, Kali being your biggest challenge. However, there was no one to fight for them against you."

"You've even peeked into the essence of swordsmanship when you went to train with your Master, Madeleine. Something which seems you haven't realized, but it is certainly inside of you."

The old man turned toward Yasenia and said, "In short, you are naturally gifted in everything you do. Beauty, relationships, strength, potential, wealth, and family situation. You've lacked nothing since you were born. However, this has made you naturally conceited. You believe there is nothing you can't solve if you put your effort into it. Deep inside, there is a seed of arrogance that, although it has been smashed by you spectating that War, still exists."

Yasenia didn't deny it or ask how he knew all that. The fact that he could look inside her memories was not strange since this Trial was obviously different from the previous ones.

Moreover, it would be stupid to say that that was not the case. All the things the man had said were truths. Yasenia could not and would not argue those things she already knew.

Yasenia was thoughtful and said, "Th only defect you said I have I that I'm naturally conceited and arrogant. However, our previous talk makes me believe you think I lack something more, right?"

The white-bearded old man nodded and turned, continuing to walk toward the settlement of one of the camps. Yasenia asked again, "Will this Trial improve what you think I'm lacking?"

The man nodded, "Yes. This Trial is special in a way that, no matter the natural talent, strength, items, or treasures you have, there won't be advantages against others. It is a shame that this time you are only paired against another challenger, but well, they are also not normal, so you will have to put in the effort if you want to win."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow, "Is the other challenger a woman?"

The old man didn't answer and said, "If you fail to complete the Trial before the other challenger, you will lose the special reward that normally is not gained with this Trial. You may ask, Why am I receiving this special reward?" Yasenia closed her mouth because she was about to ask that and listened.

He explained, "Because you are too naturally gifted. Hence, this Trial's difficulty will be the highest I can create and still make it not impossible."

Yasenia nodded, unfazed. The old man asked, "Won't you protest and say this is unfair?"

Yasenia laughed, "Fair? What is fair? Although it may sound arrogant, I wouldn't have been born if fairness existed. Every single person I fought until now in my generation had to taste unfairness after fighting against me."

The old man nodded, "It is good you recognize it and do not negate it."

Then, he warned, "The risk of dying in this Trial is very high, no matter who enters, this includes you. Even if they are a chess expert and the formation and I decide to improve those skills, it will create a Trial where a grave blunder would mean death."

Yasenia asked, interested, "Dying playing chess? How does that work? Do the chess pieces explode or something?"

The old man said, "It can be possible. The formation can also make it so that a body part will be damaged each time they make the wrong move. Or that he loses something related to the Trial each time he loses. Who knows? There are thousands of ways to make anything dangerous."

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