Chapter 290. Taking the Reward!

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"My name is Tang Xian. You did a great job, Yasenia. Since you were the one that managed to complete the Trial, you must have received a treasure. Now, give us the reward you got."

After that absurd declaration coming from her, Yasenia was flabbergasted.

Tang Xian's tone was extremely calm and soft as she requested that absurd request. As if it was a matter of course for Yasenia to give her treasures to them.

Of course, she ignored the crowd and looked back at her with a smirk. She lifted her straight eyebrow and said, "Did you fall off the crib when you were little? Else, I don't know how to explain your mental disability. How could someone ask something like that with a straight face and not have their cheeks redden in shame? I'm impressed."


Everyone turned silent as they looked at Yasenia with wide eyes. Most cultivators thought of Tang Xian as a goddess because of the manipulation the Tang family did in the shadows. Of course, doing something like this wasn't easy, so they invested a lot of resources into it.

Angry curses immediately followed Yasenia's words. "How dare you speak to the Holy daughter like that?"

"She is a chosen one from the Heavens! You, a filthy beast, have no right to speak to her like that!"

Yasenia's got thoughtful for a second. Then, she looked at the angry crowd and laughed, "I didn't expect you to have so much influence. With how many of them did you lay? Isn't it sore after all the work you put it through?"

More angry curses followed, some of them ready to jump on her. However, Yasenia turned her head toward the barely alive cultivator at the side, stopping them in their tracks.

Tang Xian didn't get angry. Her smile became even more gentle as she said, "You are quite a funny youngster. Heavenly Dragoness, even if our families have a grudge, we can lay it to rest today. You just have to give us a single treasure. I think it is quite generous compared with the wrongs you did to us."

"That's right! Give it to her!"

"Don't be ungrateful!"

"We are going to sabotage the Academy if you don't comply!"

Yasenia didn't even flinch at their words. 'Sabotage the Academy? Only after leading a War could I begin to understand the capabilities of those at the top. Mother could not only lead Wars easily, but she could also create a Top Power in less than a thousand years in a place where Political power was already stretched throughout the land.'

Yasenia really disdained those that spoke without knowledge. 'Her skill, intelligence, and planning abilities are way above these delusional people or their families to challenge something.'

She shook her head and decided to ignore them.

Without responding to Tang Xian, she started walking toward the Black orb in the middle of the hall.

There were people in the way, and even other cultivators came in front of her. Yasenia snorted, and an invisible ripple spread from her. She had activated a skill she had developed inside the Trial, her [Dragon Strength]. After using it continuously inside the Trial, it evolved into [Dragon Authority].

After this ripple hit the angry people in the front, their minds blanked for a second, and even though they regained their bearings shortly after, a strange phenomenon was happening in front of everyone's eyes.

Under the shouts of other cultivators, Yasenia slowly walked forward, and the crowd parted seamlessly, leaving way for her.

"Huh? What is happening?"

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