Chapter 345. Tracking Long Baidi and Tang Xian.

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Yasenia explained. "At that time, when I couldn't hold on anymore, I decided to vent my emotions. As I said before, I attacked one of the weaker camps of the enemy country and managed to capture most of them. Our strength surpassed them, so we told them to surrender."

The others listened curiously. Yasenia continued calmly, "I knew the highest authority of that place was female, so that's another reason I attacked them."

"After they surrendered, I picked twenty women, the general, and her right hand from the five hundred prisoners. Then, after placing a sound-canceling formation, I told my subordinates to send them to my tent one by one. I had free time, so I took four days with them to vent my lust."

Yasenia wouldn't explain things in detail since it was quite obvious what happened next. Therefore, she just said the outcome. "Of the twenty enemies, I killed the first twelve, broke the minds of the next seven, and the last two barely remained sane, but they would be addicted to sex for the rest of their lives."

Yasenia looked at them and said, "Of course, those last two were the general of that camp and her right-hand woman."

They couldn't help but gulp. That was quite... Terrible.

Yasenia saw their expressions and said calmly, "I was called the Demon Dragon General for a reason, dears. What I did during my twenty-three years there is worse than most of the things you've probably ever seen. I also found it uncomfortable, but I decided to temper my will as much as I could."

Yasenia sighed, "I wanted to learn how to be ruthless enough for people to fear me and, at the same time, to not lose myself in that cycle of slaughter and evil deeds. Therefore, I went far and above, without holding anything back to see where I would start corrupting."

Evelyn asked after gulping, "Did you use the technique Tatyana gave you on your birthday? That technique to absorb Yin and Yang?"

Yasenia shook her head, "I didn't use it in the first seven and last two. But I did it with the rest."

Andrea asked, shocked. "Wait, you killed people with just sex and without a technique? How?"

Yasenia answered calmly, "Frying their nerves with pure pleasure. I made it so that their nerves would literally die trying to release so many signals. Of course, my Yang energy can seep deep into the mind, so the brain can't just shut off and fall unconscious because I can directly stimulate it."

Angel couldn't help but mutter. "Wow..."

Cecile nodded, "Wow, indeed."

Kali suddenly asked. "Why didn't you use it for the last two? They were the most important, right? Wouldn't it be better if they were dead?"

Yasenia smirked coldly out of habit and said. "They were the leaders of the group we ambushed, so I wanted to use them to help me. They couldn't live without me, so they betrayed their country for me more than once. You see, having someone with influence inside the enemy lines is quite good. Moreover, with my nourishment, they increased their strength fast enough to climb the ranks."

Yasenia chuckled and said. "Even if they were a little rebellious at first, they became good girls after a few sessions under my care. Punishment and reward were administered so that they would be a literal slave to my sexual prowess."

Evelyn felt a strange sadistic aura releasing from Yasenia, and her pants became wet and not of fear. 'Fuck me; she is seductive even in her dragon form. Thankfully, she didn't tell us this story before, or I would have been in trouble... However, I'm jealous; I also want to be trained!'

Even though Evelyn thought as such, even she didn't dare admit something like that. It was very shameful, after all.

Meanwhile, Yasenia's nose twitched, and her head turned toward the rosy-faced Evelyn. Evelyn stiffened as Yasenia sent her a private transmission. "I will also train you later, dear. Don't worry, and wait expectantly for it."

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