Chapter 363. Ebirah's Family's Strength. Koran City.

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After they were all on the same page, Andrea suggested leaving the cave. "Let's go out. It's almost dawn; we should be able to move easily."

They all nodded, and Yasenia and Kali lazily left Tatyana's and Valeria's embrace. Yasenia yawned, opening her mouth widely and showing her sharp teeth. Evelyn looked at Andrea and laughed.

Andrea was confused. "What's so funny?"

Evelyn smirked, "Be careful where you put your precious thing. Those teeth look quite sharp."

Andrea was stumped.

Yasenia snorted and said. "Look." They looked and saw the sharp teeth suddenly retracting, leaving her toothless.

They blinked twice, stunned at Yasenia's peculiar skill. Angel whispered with a squeal. "So cute!"

Andrea was confused. "Why can you do that?"

Evelyn smirked. "Of course, it is so she can suck your D-"


Cecile answered, ignoring the backflipping woman. "Dragons can hold their progeny in their mouth. Dragons are tiny and weak at birth; hiding their sharp teeth to avoid injuring their children is one reason. Another is to prevent their teeth from getting stuck if they bite something and allow them to swallow big prey. Although unusual, they can dislocate their jaw to consume other beings like snakes. Once a dragon swallows a prey, it is almost guaranteed death since its stomach acids can digest everything."

Tatyana nodded in praise. "You've learned quite a lot under Clara's teachings. I'll give her a rise."

Cecile nodded and said coolly. "She is an excellent teacher."

They all left the cave and traveled toward a nearby city. It wasn't too far away, and with Cecile's navigation prowess and the seniors' experience, they reached another city really fast.

Evelyn saw that this city was bigger than the previous one, so she said. "There should be strong powers in the city. What do we do once we enter? Do we join a sect or a merchant group? What should we do."

Their heads turned toward Yasenia. Although they had their own ideas, Yasenia was their leader, and they also trusted her judgment a lot. "We can join a power. Although creating ours would be nice, we shouldn't be able to compete with the top powers until some years go by. My idea is the following."

Yasenia explained. "First, we create a new clan to gain influence. We use our advanced techniques, treasures, and material wealth to gain a foundation. Then, if the opportunity arises, we should ally with one of the strongest factions but leave ourselves a way out. To do so, we should make other groups understand our value without looking too threatening in the power balance."

"We want people to look at us and think: 'They are a group with a high latent potential, but they are not a threat at the moment.' That way, we can slowly and secretly build our strength, expand our influence, and make ourselves a hidden power before they realize it. If we manage to do so, we won't be taken by surprise if something were to happen. Moreover, we will be able to stay neutral and avoid most conflicts. What do you say?"

They all looked at Yasenia, impressed. Angel muttered. "Wow... So powerful."

Tatyana chuckled. "You actually think like your mom. This makes me happy."

They looked at Tatyana and realized that it was true. This woman, titled [Death Empress], had been slowly building up her power in the Sky Continent, allowing her to gain so much influence that no one dared to offend her rashly. One day, she even took one of the most important landmarks on the Continent, the [Sky Piercing Tower], to herself, and the other superpowers had to retreat.

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