Chapter 331. To fight, or not to fight? Yasenia's Choice.

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Even when her group was basically half in number compared to the other two, Yasenia didn't care; their current numbers were enough deterrence to avoid a fight if she played things right.

Why did Yasenia want to leave? You may ask. Her strength at that moment was enhanced because of her recent "birth," and Angel's and the other's strengths have proved to be extremely high. Therefore, battling now and eliminating groups of enemy cultivators should be the best choice.

However, Yasenia didn't think that way. It wasn't that Yasenia was afraid, but after so many years of warring, she understood that the battlefield was unpredictable. A single mistake could cost her own or any of her lovers' life.

Yasenia's mind spun, and she observed the surroundings. After moving during this whole time, the city was actually behind Jaxon's group, so they couldn't use that escape route. Their only option was to run the long distance until the forest and then use the dense vegetation to lose their trackers. 'Moreover, if they decide to chase in small groups, we can set ambushes and eliminate them in guerrilla warfare. Spiritual Sense is a thing, but its distance is not wide enough to avoid these confrontations. Even if there is a special person with twice my own spiritual Sense, I can ambush them easily in that environment.'

The dragoness didn't stop thinking as she approached Cecile. The platinum-silver-haired woman looked at her lover and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yasenia transmitted her thoughts through her link, Cecile was mildly surprised at her decision, but she felt relief more than anything.

Meanwhile, Jaxon shouted. "Isla, this has nothing to do with you. Although our races are enemies, we can always reach small agreements. I won't attack this time as long as you don't intervene with my problems with Yasenia."

Isla didn't say anything, but her lack of response was more than enough for Jaxon. Isla was practically the representative of the Divines, so she couldn't say aloud that she wouldn't attack them. However, everything else, from her body language to her eyes, spoke louder than any word.

Jaxon smirked, 'It seems that Yasenia's disregard for her has struck a nerve, hahaha. Stupid, if she allied with Yasenia, they could fight us off rather easily. As Master said, Divines can gloss over important matters if someone slaps their faces; their ego is extremely high.'

Isla's thinking was similar, 'Although I won't help in the beginning, after fighting for a while with their group, you will be weakened. I can strike at that moment and destroy you in one fell swoop. Is he really stupid enough to fight when a group of enemies is looking at them from so close?'

Yasenia communicated some more things with Cecile while keeping her attention on the battlefield situation. After listening to Jaxon's statement, she said one last thing to Cecile and let her speak aloud. Cecile's cold voice spread in the area once more: "There is nothing to gain for any side. Let's avoid the fight, and each go our ways. Jaxon, if you want the shield back, Yasenia agrees to a one-on-one in the middle of the three groups. It is your item. What does everyone else have to do with that?"

Jaxon sneered, "Are you trying to make our numerical advantage null with that stupid bait? What do you take me for?"

Cecile directly mocked him, "I see you as an arrogant and conceited Demon, one especially stupid since your recent increase of strength has bloated your head to the bursting point. How about admitting you are afraid instead of trying to speak in circles around it?"

The beast howled and roared, many in mockery, and parroted Cecile. "That's right! You were deceived; take it like a cultivator!"

"You want your shield? Fight for it!"

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