Chapter 379. Value of Transmuted metals. Searching Information.

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Cecile's voice entered his ears with a tone that could freeze hell. "How dare you attack my person, scum!"

The tall bear-kin almost couldn't control his bladder.

Sierra's horrifying attack, which managed to crack the floor of his smithy, was scary enough, but now the bloodline pressure from this woman seemed to be as crushing as a mountain. Moreover, he had the instinctual urge to kneel in front of her. 'W-What kind of seniors did I provoke!?'

Cecile flapped her large silver wings and flew forward, landing in front of the four-meter-tall bear kin. Her blue eyes were as cold as the Moon and so piercing that they seemed to freeze the soul. "You dare swing your dirty paw in front of me? Why did you attack my person? Think carefully before you answer, or you will lose that arm."

The bear kin didn't care anymore about honer and directly lay flat before Cecile. "S-Senior, please forgive this junior! I didn't think the slave would be so significant for your esteemed self; this one thought the human was annoying because she almost destroyed the door and wanted to eliminate her! I don't have any ill feelings toward senior!"

Cecile's eyes became emotionless. How could Cecile not know how much Yasenia loved and pampered Angel? Wanting to eliminate Angel was something stepping a bottom line for the Phoenix. Therefore, she summoned her [Crystal Blue] bow with the intention to shoot at the bear kin.

The large bear's eyes were filled with despair.

However, a soft and calming furry tail wrapped around Cecile's arm before she could tense the bow. Cecile felt her anger dissipate and looked to the side. She saw Kali looking at her and shaking her head softly. "Don't kill him, Cecile. Remember where we are."

Cecile frowned but soon relaxed. She stored the bow in her ring again and stepped back, allowing Kali to walk forward. The bear kin sighed in relief after the suffocating pressure disappeared. 'I-I'm saved...'

Kali smiled under her veil, making her eyes look gentle, and she asked. "Mister, we don't want to cause trouble. We are new in Koran City and wanted to gain some knowledge and maybe create some connections."

Kali stopped for a moment, 'Hm? Now that I think about it, we don't have a name for our clan... I should ask Yasenia later.'

Kali continued. "Stand up. I know this is all a misunderstanding, so there is no need to be so submissive."

The red-furred bear-kin felt that this two-tailed fox woman was a saint and hastily stood up. 'Such a delicate woman! I would want her to be my wife if she were a little taller!'

Kali asked softly. "Are you occupied now, mister? We hope to talk to you about selling a small part of our special merchandise."

The bear kin shook his head rapidly. "Not busy, not busy. What does the beautiful lady want to sell? I'm the best blacksmith in this area, so I guarantee to give good prices."

Kali nodded and looked back. "Andrea, step forward. Discuss with this gentleman about it."

Andrea walked forward after paying respects to Kali and stood before the bear kin. "I want to sell this metal. How precious do you think it is?"

The blacksmith's eyes widened when she saw the lustrous purple metal with a natural aura around it. It was a transmuted metal, and Andrea wanted to see how this bear kin would react. 'As expected, this thing can also catch the eye of the blacksmiths in this Continent. Now, as long as he gives me an honest price for this metal, I will be able to evaluate our items.'

The bear kin asked with a tremble in his voice. "Can I hold it?"

Andrea threw it toward him. After catching it, he observed it closely and asked with an incredulous tone. "This material seems to be in the middle rank of the Earth realm. However, the aura around it and the purity are truly exceptional. It doesn't lose at all when compared to high-level Earth-rank materials!"

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