Chapter 364. Female Guard. Tatyana's talk. Human Slaves.

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After some minutes of jogging at a moderate speed, they finally reached the West Gate. The city was massive, so even moving at a moderate pace, which would be like using a powerful horse for an ordinary mortal, they still took almost half an hour to reach it.

This gate was very different from the previous one. That entrance to the city was six meters tall. However, compared with the one in front of them, it was short.

The West Gate had a massive metallic door over thirty meters in height. On each side of the door, two giant humanoid creatures stood at fifteen meters tall. They had the shape of a human, but because of their size and bulky armor, they looked very imposing.

They didn't have their helmets on, so our girls could tell three of them were male while the last one was female. Their facial features were very human-like, similar to their bodies.

However, there was a difference with ordinary humans; they all had four arms instead of two.

Yasenia tried to sense their strength, and she felt their level was similar to a mid-level Mental Nourishing Realm cultivator, equivalent to a middle-level Spiritual King Body cultivator.

Kali approached slowly, and since there wasn't any queue at this door, she walked up to the guards. The four of them looked at them and released a strand of their aura, trying to intimidate Kali and the others. However, they didn't even flinch.

This made the guards frown for a second. 'They aren't simple.'

The female guard stepped forward, mainly because our group had only females. The step sounded loud because of the massive weight of the four-armed giant.

Kali stopped and smiled, her two fox tails swishing calmly. "Hello, we come from the other gate. They told us that we had to pass through here to enter with our guardian beast." Kali pointed at Sierra, who looked like a small wolf before these giants. However, Sierra still looked composed and elegant, looking at the guards coldly.

The female guard felt danger coming from Sierra. Nevertheless, she nodded. "That would be right; this is the only gate that allows creatures as big as your Wolf. Do you have the entry jades?"

Kali waved her hand and made the jades float before the female giant. The guards were surprised. However, knowing all the mystical skills in the world, they calmed right after. Kali spoke. "Here are the entry jades. Please, check for their authenticity."

The female giant crouched and grabbed the fist-sized jades with one of her hands. Kali and the others saw energy circuits dimly lighting up around the armor, and then the gauntlet shone with a green light for an instant. The female giant nodded and returned the jades to Kali.

To her surprise, Kali stepped forward and took her directly from her hand, not being afraid of her. The guard blinked twice, confused.

The source of her confusion was their lack of reaction.

After seeing only one of the nine creatures flinch because of her size, it was surprising for her. This giant female guard was, in truth, a very gentle woman. Her house's tradition was the only reason she acted as a guard. Moreover, since the population of giants was small, she didn't have any real friends besides her family.

She liked little people more than those of her size because she felt like she had to take care of them.

She had hurt small creatures without it being her intention in the past, which made her more careful when approaching others. Some looked really fragile to her, and she had strong protective feelings toward them.

Nevertheless, she would always scare those more petite than her.

In her mind, it wasn't strange for small creatures to fear her. After all, her strength was high, and her presence intimidating.

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