Chapter 212. Andrea's powerful mental strength. Yasenia's suspicions.

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Yasenia sent a message to Andrea next. She wanted to know about all her dears and then start her adventure with a calm heart. Her voice became coquettish, making the other three girls feel their ears tingling, "Darling~, Where are you~? I'm in a forest with giant trees!"

Andrea was together with another four people, one of them being the person she met earlier from the illusion sect. They were currently hunting for treasures together under her command because she was the strongest of them. Of the three men and one woman that Andrea had met, they were all from demonic sects and between the eighth and ninth levels.

The reason for them being from demonic sects is that whenever they saw someone from the righteous side, Andrea would have to go in another direction not to kill indiscriminately to keep appearances. Andrea's objective in blending with these people was to gain information about their intentions, in general, know if they had any involvement with Yasenia.

The area around them was a rocky place with small stony hills and very little vegetation. It was also very hot, and some rocks around appeared volcanic in nature. Andrea could guess this because her mastery of blacksmith required knowledge of all kinds of minerals.

Suddenly, from Andrea's communication device, Yasenia's coquettish voice filled the surroundings. The four people's heads whipped toward Andrea, 'Who has this seductive and bone-softening voice?'

All of them looked at Andrea curiously. Andrea felt their gaze but ignored it. She looked around, and after seeing no forests, Andrea said. "We aren't close then, my love. I'm in a rocky and volcanic landscape, and I can't see any vegetation near me."

Yasenia whined, softening the legs of the four demonic cultivators. "Darling too~? Evelyn was also away from me... It seems that we aren't going to see each other for a while. I will miss you, darling."

Andrea's tone softened, and she said, "I will miss you too, my love. Where are Kali, Angel, and Evelyn? I may be near them."

Angel smiled and said, "I'm with Yasenia, and Kali is also around! Thank you for caring, Andrea!"

Andrea laughed and said, "I'm glad you two are with her, Angel, Kali. Take care of Yasenia for the rest of us, okay?"

Kali spoke, "Don't worry, Andrea. I hope we see each other soon."

Then, Yasenia explained the area around Evelyn and asked Andrea to communicate with Evelyn for further details. Andrea didn't speak about what she was doing because she didn't want Yasenia to worry.

Even then, Yasenia asked her if she needed her help for anything and not to be stubborn and ask for help in dire situations. Andrea also nagged back the same things, creating a sweet interchange of worries between them, which left Yasenia with a wagging tail and a lovely smile. Finally, Andrea ended their interchange. "Love, call Cecile. I think she must be rather impatient to communicate with you."

Yasenia said, "Okay, darling~. Remember that you can also speak with me if you feel bored! I love hearing your voice."

Andrea laughed, "I love you, Yasenia."

Yasenia also chuckled, "I love you too, Andrea~."

Andrea placed her communication device inside her armor again and turned to look toward the others. One of the men looked at Andrea and said, "She sounds so seductive, like a lust spirit! We could share-"


With the sound of bones cracking, that man was blasted away by Andrea's punch. The other three were stupefied as that man tumbled out with a painful scream for almost 100 meters, showcasing powerful strength.

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