Chapter 389. Young Master Fu's arrogance.

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Kali didn't speak with the catkin again, waiting for this group to approach. Although it was a hunch, she felt this wolfkin was walking toward them.

As Kali expected, the man and his group approached them, arriving seconds later. After closing the distance, he looked at the catkin, ignoring Kali and the rest, and laughed aloud. "Friend, I'm here again! What goods do you have for me today? I broke my cauldron the last time, so I hope you can sell me something nice."

The catkin's smile twitched. 'Can't you see that I have other customers with me?'

However, considering this person's position, he ignored our girls and spoke to the man. "Young master Fu, it is good having you here again. As you can see, I was selling this cauldron to these customers here."

"Oh? This cauldron is new. I see that it looks quite nice. I'll buy it!" He said, interrupting whatever he was going to say.

Angel and Evelyn had to hold their tongues because they were humans. However, for some reason, even when he hadn't done something too wrong, they really wanted to walk up and slap this person.

Yasenia didn't care about the cauldron. However, this man had just interrupted her honey's conversation. If it weren't for Tatyana's hand scratching the back of her head, she would have slapped him with her tail. 'Can't you see that my honey is talking with this person? Moreover, you interrupted when honey was about to make a good deal!'

Kali wouldn't allow herself to be bullied, so she spoke softly. "This employee, we were speaking with you first, so how about you finish your business with us before talking to this man?"

A female dogkin walking behind the wolfkin sneered and stepped forward, crossing her arms before her. "Who do you think you are to speak before young master Fu, little fox? Do you not know you can't interrupt your superiors when they talk?"

This young man surnamed Fu looked at Yasenia's group, finally placing them in his eyes. When he saw Ghana accompanying this group, his eyes became interested. 'Why is this harpy here instead of serving my Father?'

However, what caught his eyes more was the people themselves. "Hoh~, these human servants are quite beautiful."

Yasenia's gaze began to cool down, knowing there wasn't a way to avoid confrontation.

He turned toward Kali, not forgetting to scan her up and down, and asked. "Beautiful Fox, sell them to me. I'm willing to pay five high-grade Parus for each of them."

A friend of his laughed and said. "Brother, why pay so much? Aren't they just human slaves? Although they are wearing quite beautiful robes, they are just playthings. I think that five middle-level Parus are enough."

The moment he finished speaking, they all felt the air around them cooling down, literally and metaphorically.

"It seems that not only the master but the dogs wagging their tails behind you also have brain problems."

Cecile's voice was below freezing as small ice particles appeared around her. Her aura was so cold that they couldn't help but shiver.

However, the guards behind young master Fu reacted and took out their weapons. "Insolent! You are in the presence of the young City Lord. Apologize for your transgression!"

Cecile sneered and released her bloodline pressure without containing anything.

In less than an instant, the entirety of the hall was covered with a thin sheet of ice as Cecile's presence seemed to cover the sky.

Their expression changed to one of dread when the low-level Ancient Beast Bloodline flooded the entire hall.

The catkin who tried to inflate the price before felt this sensation even more deeply. He thought that the fox-kin was already dreadful, but now this woman resulted to be even worse.

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