Chapter 365. Talk with Jorey, a common merchant.

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Kali shook her head while hearing their banter. Then, she turned toward the woman and said flatly. "I mean no disrespect, but can you slaves even compare to mine?"

The fox-woman's long and fluffy ears flickered, feeling like someone slapped her face. 'They are just humans; can they be that much better?'

With a hidden contemptuous look, she began evaluating Andrea, Tatyana, Angel, and Evelyn. Our human girls looked at her with cold expressions, making the fox woman feel a chill going up her spine. However, she just ignored it because of the particular beauty all of them had.

The cute, blonde, and sweet-looking short woman could melt the heart.

The tall, tanned, and light-green-eyed heroic woman would make the heart pound.

The short and flat common woman had those violet eyes and electric blue exotic hair that would attract attention.

And finally, the red-eyed human felt like she was on a completely different level. When the fox-lady laid her eyes on Tatyana, she involuntarily lowered her gaze as if not feeling worthy of looking at that gorgeous and elegant face.

However, that feeling of pure dominance Tatyana passively released also made some instincts flare up a fire inside.

The fox-lady looked at Kali and said, trying to act calmly. "I'll exchange all my slaves and a powerful mid-level Earth-rank treasure for the red-eyed human. I think I'm overpaying, but I'm determined to take her."

Yasenia's gaze cooled down below freezing, but she lowered it instantly. She didn't want to act impulsively. Nevertheless, she sent Kali a message about what to say.

Kali heard it, and her lips twitched. 'So brutal...'

Nevertheless, she said it aloud, word by word, without skipping anything. "Miss, if you really think she is that worthless to be traded by those malnutrition sacks of flesh, then please scram before my patience disappears. I wouldn't trade her even for a transcendent ranked treasure. And do not bring up my human slaves again, or else my patience will grow thin."

Then, Sierra growled and unfurled a part of her aura.


The fox lady almost fell face-first onto the ground after Sierra's imposing presence surrounded her. Her face changed, and she hastily explained with a terrified tone. "I'm sorry, miss. I was wrong, and I failed to see your greatness. Please, forgive me."

Kali glanced at Yasenia for a second and saw her lips coldly quirking. 'My love can sometimes be malicious.'

Sierra stopped after she apologized, and the fox lady breathed a sigh of relief. Her body was soaked in a cold sweat. 'I thought I would die right there and then... So scary.'

She was about to leave with fear and a seed of resentment in her heart. However, she suddenly saw a beautiful creature skipping toward her with curious golden eyes. The red fox-woman's eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Such a beautiful dragon!"

Yasenia approached slowly and smiled, making her eyes curve beautifully. "Beautiful miss, the master said we are not selling yet, so, umm, we want to leave peacefully. Can we do that? I'm sorry about the big wolf; she is very protective of us..."

Our girls' thoughts coordinated. 'The devil. Her race should be called Devil Dragon.'

Well, except for one of them. 'Little treasure is so cute when acting like a child! I want to hug her and squish her!'

The fox-woman felt an arrow pierce her heart and crouched slightly to hug Yasenia's head. "Sure, sure. You are such a beautiful girl. I understand that the big bad wolf would react that way."

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