Chapter 214. Yasenia's doubts, Sarah's decision.

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Sarah first was surprised at Yasenia's strength, but right after seeing the violent aftermath, her stomach churned, and she began puking at the side. 'W-What was that!? S-So merciless and, and, the man exploded... Bleurgh!'

The shock of the gory kill was so high that she didn't even register Yasenia's strength yet. She was leaning on a tree, emptying her stomach.

Angel and Kali looked at Sarah with confusion and approached her from the back, patting her. Angel asked curiously, "Are you okay? Did you eat something bad?"

Sarah was crying and puking as she thought, 'Eat something bad? Why are neither of you affected by what just happened!?'

Kali wasn't as naïve as our little baby, so she said with a little bit of pity. "Sarah. You have to get used to seeing this kind of thing, or you will die young. When killing, you can't have the luxury to grant a beautiful kill." Angel blinked and understood that Sarah's current situation was because of the cultivator's death.

Yasenia approached after taking the man's spatial ring. She looked at Sarah and saw that she had stopped emptying her stomach, but her face was still ruined with tears and snot. Yasenia sighed and said, "Sarah, You may have been sheltered all your life, but things are crueler than you think. This world may be beautiful from the outside with the countless mystical landscapes, beautiful-looking people, and impossible things to discover that can change your perspective of the world. Even I'm relatively new to this world and still have many things to discover and explore."

Yasenia saw that Sarah was looking at her, so she took out a towel and began cleaning her face. "However, our world is cruel, so incredibly cruel that no one that enters the cultivation road is free of blood. Every single cultivator you have met and will meet are people who had most likely slaughtered other people in cold blood to remain alive. No matter how righteous they are, how good their morals are, or any other personal qualities they have. There is almost not a single cultivator that wouldn't kill many to save themselves."

Sarah looked up at Yasenia with teary eyes, and Yasenia said mercilessly. "In the cultivation world, you either become an unfeeling monster toward your enemies or die early under someone that was able to leave this human part behind. I hope your sheltered self can understand this; even if mercy has a place in the cultivation world, it is something only the strong have the leisure to have."

"You choose if you follow us. Angel, Kali, let's go." Yasenia didn't say anything more and turned in the direction of the town, walking away. Angel and Kali gave Sarah one last look and ran after her.

Sarah looked at their back and wanted to chase after them. However, her steps flattered when she looked at the pieces of flesh lying around. Her eyes watered again, and she looked down, 'I-I've always ridiculed those MCs that didn't push forward after their first killing but now... I-I can understand how they felt.'

Sarah chuckled with ridicule toward herself, her tears falling and unable to take that step after Yasenia. 'I bet those "Self-righteous" protagonists I ridiculed just didn't want to kill because it was too hard to see something like this again and again. I can completely understand why they didn't want to. That sweet ideal of not wanting to see something like this and have everything go your way.'

Sarah slightly trembled as she thought, 'Moreover, what if Yasenia and the others suddenly consider me an enemy or an obstacle to gain whatever they need? Wouldn't it be me the next person to die like that?'

[Host. Although you don't need Yasenia and the others, it would be wise to follow them. It is rare to find people like them in the cultivation world who don't want to exploit others immediately. Nonetheless, we can also survive if we are by ourselves. Moreover, this choice won't affect your mission about Yasenia. The Host can freely choose what to do.]

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