Chapter 237. Cecile's pure heart.

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After reading the stele, Cecile frowned. 'I can understand the first and second sentences. But what does the third mean?'

Cecile saw that most people went right, and the rest went forward. No one was going to the left door. 'Do I want to be someone worthy? Who is someone worthy? It is a person that has the qualifications to be recognized, a person that can accept any and all kind of power and use it. They are able to challenge trials and remain victorious. That is someone worthy.'

Cecile shook her head, 'I'm not someone like that, nor do I want to be one.'

The Phoenix's blue eyes moved toward the right door. 'Do I want to be a Hero? What is a Hero anyway? They are a person that sacrifices themselves for the greater good. A person that pushes forward against all kinds of difficulties and remains victorious. They are someone that sees the world's essence and fights for justice, maintaining the highest grade of morality possible. A heart of gold, a pure soul. Admired by the masses, and feared by their enemies. That is the essence of a hero.'

Cecile shook her head again, 'I do not want to be a hero.'

Cecile looked toward the left gate. Then, she pondered to herself, 'What do I want to be...?' After that thought, Yasenia's charming, smiling face crossed her mind. That pair of beautiful and seductive golden-red slit eyes looked at her lovingly, making her whole body feel happiness.

Cecile's facial features softened, and a smile hung on her lips.

'I'm someone that wants to protect her lover.'

'I'm someone that seeks strength to help their dearest.'

'I'm someone that gathers knowledge for her wife's research.'

'I'm someone that gave their whole heart to a dragoness.'

'I'm someone that challenged fate to be reborn so I could walk side by side with my soulmate.'

Therefore, Cecile decided to trust her intuition and chose the left door.

Unlike the previous times, because people had seen Cecile's trick in the spring, not many people followed her. They thought that Cecile was trying to fool them again.

The ones that followed were two people from the academy, a man and a woman.

Cecile didn't even turn and continued walking toward the left door. When she was about to open it, the man called her, "Yo, Cecile! Why did you choose this one?"

Cecile turned and answered calmly. However, her natural tone of voice was cold and indifferent, giving an apathetic aura. "Because I'm neither a hero nor someone worthy."

The two people blinked and thought about it. Were they like that? Did they want to be like that? It was a difficult path, and most likely, there will be many difficult challenges after crossing those two doors.

However, the temptation of becoming one of the two was high for the woman. Even if they weren't any of those now, who said that they couldn't become one if they overcame whatever these ruins threw at them? Therefore, the woman said, "I see. Thanks for telling us, Cecile. Still, I'm going to take the right door. Good luck!"

Cecile just nodded. She wouldn't bother to convince anyone other than Yasenia or those precious to her.

The man looked at the woman and frowned for a while. The two of them were a couple, so he didn't want to leave her behind. He sighed and said, "Thanks for your advice, Cecile. I know you are not a woman of many words. So the fact that you spoke and tried to tell us about it is enough. Do not die!"

Then, he turned and ran after the woman. Cecile looked at their back for a second and then turned. Each person will choose the path they think is most suitable, and she won't waste words to reason with them.

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