Chapter 238. Sierra and her plea. Evelyn's decision.

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While Cecile began her trial, Evelyn was climbing the snowy mountain surrounded by the lightning storm. The snow somewhat hindered Evelyn's vision, and the cold temperature was affecting even her. Still, she was able to resist using her energy like a protective membrane.

The four-meter-tall Wolf Queen walked beside her. Her white fur was impermeable as the snowflakes that landed on her slipped through it without melting. The effect was quite mesmerizing to look at. Moreover, the Wolf Queen's mastery over the Ice and Lightning elements made her completely immune to the weather.

As they walked, Evelyn looked at her with interest, "Say, Wolf Queen. Would you like a name?"

The giant wolf moved her blue eyes and asked, her voice slightly indifferent. "A name? What is that?"

Evelyn explained, "It is a way to differentiate individuals. I told you, right? My name is Evelyn."

The Wolf Queen asked with interest, "Why do you want to give me a name?"

Evelyn shrugged, "It is too bothersome to call you Wolf Queen. It sounds too impersonal. Now that we are connected with a blood contract, we should at least try to get along with each other. I know how unfair this contract is to you, so at least I want to make you feel more comfortable with it."

The Wolf Queen was somewhat surprised. It was true that the feeling of making a [Blood Contract] out of necessity was somewhat stifling. Right now, Evelyn could order the Wolf Queen as she liked, she couldn't tell her directly to die, but there were very few limitations in Evelyn's ability to make orders.

After hearing what Evelyn said, a small smile hung on the Wolf Queen's lips. She still didn't know if Evelyn was sincere, but she decided to trust this small female a little more. Therefore, she answered, "Sure, go ahead, give me a name."

Evelyn thought about it for a while; she didn't want to give her a random name. After some minutes of silence, she asked, "How about Luna? Does it sound good?"

The Wolf Queen frowned, "I don't like it. It sounds too soft. I'm a Queen. How could I be named after such a soft-sounding name?"

Evelyn chuckled, "You want one that sounds powerful? How about Ragash?" Evelyn emphasized the "R" by rolling her tongue when pronouncing it.

The beast thought about it, but it sounded too powerful this time. "Do you know any in the middle? Not too powerful sounding but not too soft either."

Evelyn complained jokingly, "You are so demanding! Let me think..."

The Wolf Queen was tickled off and playfully snorted as a complaint. "It's not my fault you are so bad at giving names."

Evelyn rolled her violet eyes. Then, she exclaimed, "Ah! I know! How about Sierra?"

The Wolf Queen found its ring pleasant, "Sierra... Mm, I like it."

Evelyn smiled, "Then, I hope we have a pleasant cooperation, Sierra."

Sierra's eyes lost a little bit of her indifference and said, her tone slightly softer. "I hope I didn't choose my master wrongly, do not disappoint me, Evelyn."

Evelyn nodded seriously and focused on the surroundings again. She had previously asked Cecile through the communication device to know which race Sierra was. Although Evelyn could have asked the Wolf Queen to tell her directly, the names may differ from what was known in the Sky Continent.

However, Cecile told her that physical characteristics weren't all when deciding the race of a beast, the aura, the energies they used, and even the way they moved could make a difference. Therefore, she couldn't be sure unless she saw her in person, especially because wolf breeds are hard to differentiate at simple sight.

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