Chapter 305. Innate Skills and Reunion! Finally together again. (2)

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Evelyn lifted her hand, pinned below the dragoness. "Yo! It has been a while, Kali. Also, I'm gladly surprised that your and Yasenia's tits have become even more lovely, Angel."

Five creatures blinked twice, and Sierra wanted to hide her head like an ostrich. 'Why is my master like that!?'

Yasenia chuckled and got up, helping Evelyn stand up in the process. Evelyn blinked once, confused. 'I feel like something is missing. Right, my tail slap!'

While she thought of that, Evelyn and Yasenia approached them. Angel rolled her eyes, "You keep your priorities straight, huh?"

Evelyn smirked and looked at Kali's, Angel's, Valeria's, and Yasenia's chest area blatantly, "I don't! My priorities are always curved~."

Evelyn blinked, "Speaking of which, Kali, you pack a bigger punch than it looks! Not too big, but still bigger than the average size!"

Kali raised her eyebrow, "Only now do you realize? I've never been small in that area."

Evelyn looked at Yasenia for a second, but Yasenia looked back at her with clueless eyes. "What's wrong, Evelyn?"

If their previous interchange didn't confirm that Yasenia was real, Evelyn would have thought that she was an impostor! 'Where is my tail slap!? I've been speaking about tits nonstop, to the point that my wolf has transformed into an ostrich, but I didn't receive a single love caress!' '

Evelyn ignored it and looked toward Kali again. She smiled more normally and said, "It seems our dragoness has cooked you rather nicely~. I can see that you have recovered a lot. I'm happy for you, Kali."

Kali thanked her with a smile under her veil, "Thanks, Evelyn. I can also see that you have advanced with giant steps. To be able to reach the Unification Realm and get a powerful wolf as a contracted beast, you are quite good yourself."

Evelyn presented Sierra to the rest, "Well, let me get the presentation out of the way. This ostrich- *Cough*, Wolf, is Sierra!"

A bolt of yellow lightning slammed onto Evelyn, stunning her for a second, "Who are you calling an ostrich, Evelyn."

Evelyn patted her clean robes and continued as if Sierra didn't just electrocute her. "She was the Wolf Queen of the mountain but fell into some schemes. After seeking my help, I was able to make a contract with her."

Sierra spoke the human language; her tone was calm and elegant. "Nice to meet you. I was especially curious about Evelyn's mate; you surpassed my expectations. The Yang energy I felt must have been the weakened version."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow, 'Did she become Evelyn's companion with other intentions? Hmm, Evelyn should have known. I see that their relationship is quite good, so they should have solved those things.'

Yasenia smiled and answered; her tone carried a mature charm that affected even this Wolf Queen. "Nice to meet you too, Sierra. Your bloodline is also not bad, so you don't have to feel inferior. With Evelyn as your master, you will increase your strength by leaps and bounds once we are outside."

Yasenia turned toward Evelyn and asked, "Evelyn, what are your innate skills?"

Evelyn smiled and puffed her non-existing chest. "Well, it's nice that you asked! I've gained a lot of things in my travel, after all."

Yasenia found her cute and used her tail to carry her before her, hugging her from behind. Evelyn blinked as she felt her head and back sink in softness and her shoulders supporting those two mountains, 'They are heavy. I feel like I'm supporting the weight of the world.'

Leaving aside her thoughts, Evelyn said, "Hum, hum, don't be surprised to know that this ultra-talented me has gained the inheritance of a God!"

Yasenia patted her, "Congratulations."

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