Chapter 224. Learning about the benefits.

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After hearing that the special spring water didn't work, Yasenia didn't insist. She trusted this shopkeeper. Then, our dragoness asked some of the key questions, "What influence do I have for passing through the Heaven Gate? I've seen the priority treatment, but what other advantages do I have? Also, can cultivators kill each other, or will the lighting strike us down? Finally, the purple aura around us is almost gone; how will people identify us as Heaven Gate level cultivators?"

The shopkeeper was patient and answered everything truthfully, "First, your question about fighting with other cultivators. Cultivators can kill each other and steal the treasures gained as they do outside. The divine lightning won't attack or meddle with those actions. However, I would recommend being careful with the bystanders. Your excellencies, accidental deaths may trigger the lighting."

The shopkeeper continued, "Also, we can recognize from which Gate each cultivator went through like an instinct, so don't worry about it."

Yasenia nodded with thanks. The shopkeeper continued speaking, "The benefits of crossing the Heaven Gate are the following."

"First, you have priority when buying things. Even if someone is just about to buy something or make a contract, you can snatch it merely by speaking with the seller. Of course, it only affects trade between cultivators and townspeople."

"Besides that, everything you buy will cost thirty percent less. Us townspeople don't want to sell our goods to unworthy cultivators. Therefore, you can see merchandise other cultivators won't be aware of."

"You can challenge any number of trials without limit, unlike the people that went through the other Gates. In my opinion, this one is the most important. "

"Finally, you have some leniency against the Divine Lighting. For example, accidentally killing residents during a fight won't trigger the lighting for you unless the damage is great, or you did it with malicious intentions."

Yasenia and the others were stupefied, 'So many advantages!?'

Yasenia wanted to confirm something about the last point, "What if I make someone kill townspeople with the intention of the Divine Lightning striking them?"

The shopkeeper looked at Yasenia with raised eyebrows, "That is quite a dangerous question."

Yasenia nodded and said with a sincere smile, leaning on the counter and resting her big and soft breasts there. The man's gaze couldn't help but slip from time to time there. Yasenia said with a pitiful tone that softened the bones of the people that heard it. "I'm worried about falling into the trap of other cultivators. I have a lot of enemies."

The shopkeeper was a mortal man, so he was very weak to Yasenia's seduction. He struggled a bit, but after seeing the pitiful look on Yasenia's gorgeous face, he was swayed and said in a low voice, leaning forward. "You won't be struck if you do it that way. But please, don't tell anybody I told you about it."

Yasenia smiled like a flower, stealing the man's breath away, and she tap-kissed the shopkeeper's chubby cheek as if it were the tap from a dragonfly, petrifying him on the spot. "Thank you for telling me, mister. I will remember this favor."

The chubby man blushed and scratched his cheek with his finger. No matter how old, young, naive, or experienced, man or woman, receiving some affection from our dragoness was deadly to any mortal person. The feeling of her plump and soft lips was something unforgettable.

Sarah was again uncomfortable at Yasenia's flirty nature. Still, after not seeing a single fluctuation in Angel's expression or Kali's body language, she didn't say anything and kept that feeling inside. Angel and Kali had done some business with Yasenia during these months for their shop in the Rita Academy. They had witnessed their dragoness use her charm in many ways to get them good deals.

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