Chapter 255. Valeria vs Fourth-level creature.

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Meanwhile, Sarah was using her elemental attacks while dodging the fourth-level creature. They didn't hurt it much, but she was slowly tiring it. The beast's main attributes were its strength and endurance, lacking agility, and that's why Sarah could kite it around the nest. Even then, Sarah would end up without energy first since she was competing against a creature a realm above her.

To overcome this, Sarah spent the System Points she gathered from Angel and Kali to buy stamina pills, attack talismans, and other objects. With their help, her battle was leaning in her favor. Moreover, she also used some of the talismans she got from completing the initial monoliths.

The battle was intense, but after bombarding it with so much "wealth," the creature eventually breathed its last. Therefore, Sarah managed to overcome the trial completing the flawless condition.

Meanwhile, Kali was about to engage with it. After not gaining much more reaction from Kali and most of its brethren being slaughtered by the plant army, it moved.

One of its frontal limbs grabbed the soil and pushed forward with all its strength. Kali's pupils shrank as she saw the floor cave in because of the creature's strength. Then, it shot forward like an unstoppable force, smashing through the plant army as if they were dry branches.

Kali instantly used [Nature's blessing] and [Overgrowth] one time after another on the treants, trying to create a front line durable enough to take its beating. It took some time, and by the time she managed to be somewhat successful, more than half of her army was annihilated.

To keep it at bay as she buffed her army, Kali asked Valeria to focus on skills like [Root Entanglement], [Root Wall], and [Thorn Field]. Together with the caster dryads, they managed to slow its speed by half, creating enough time for Kali to buff the treants. Regardless, even after strengthening them, they would end up dying after a short exchange with the fourth-level creature. Kali frowned with worry as she moved away from the beast. 'Its strength is too high, and its defense is too hard for the archer dryads to pierce through... What can I do? Right, I could try and kill it from the inside. The thorns had created some open wounds in its weak parts. I will take advantage of that.'

Kali used the [Parasite Root] enhancement on the thorns, which covered the whole battlefield. A bluish-green substance spread from Kali's feet and smeared the roots until they reached beside the creature. Then, a cacophony of bestial cries filled the cave.


All the creatures began shouting in pain as the thorns literally dug inside their bodies, consuming them inside out. The fourth creature's inner defense managed to somehow control it, but the pain was high enough to make its attention refocus on Kali.

Its body took a turn, and tried to approach Kali. However, many defensive measures barred its path as the remaining plant army came in its way. Kali's eyes flashed with cold light as she chanted again, "[Fatal Thorn Field]."

Unlike the last time, the thorns were created under her feet with a purplish color. The next instant, they exploded outward like a wave, spreading extremely fast and combining with the previous greenish-blue thorns.

The fourth-level creature felt danger from the combination of the two types of thorns, so as soon as they tried surrounding its body, it began thrashing around, sending the boosted treants flying as if they were weightless.


The treants hit the wall with force, cracking their sturdy bodies. Moreover, the thorn field was being destroyed by the second.

Kali got nervous. At this pace, she wouldn't be able to win! Suddenly she felt a gaze from the side. When she looked over, Valeria was looking at her with those green eyes with golden-slit pupils.

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