Chapter 276. Kali's first time. (4)

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Trigger Warning: Kali's more detailed past snippets.


The nine-tailed green fox's body was two times smaller than the maw. However, the tails made up for the fox's size as they were incredibly long and big.

Coated in her Life, Nature, and Wood energy, Kali slammed against the black maw with serrated teeth.

She already had experience in fighting it, so the fight went much smoother than before.

She first maintained her distance as she slapped it continuously with her nine tails and slashed with her claws whenever it came close.

Kali internally frowned, 'Why is it so easy? Even if I'm using Yasenia's strength, this is much easier than fighting my last Heart Demon.'

What Kali didn't know was that as her brain was completely out of her body because of the effects of that world-changing orgasm, Yasenia wasn't still and waiting for her.

The reason she bought the acupuncture manual was for times like this one. But since it was a recently purchased item and now Yasenia was too occupied finding solutions, it went over her head for the moment.

As pleasure still caressed Kali's whole body like a lover's touch, making her unable to form thoughts, Yasenia tried communicating with Kali three times, but she didn't seem to be listening.

Her first thought was to blame herself as she searched for solutions.

The dragoness just felt euphoric for being able to penetrate Kali, so her body naturally reacted, trying to fill her to the brim. Therefore she released too much inside Kali.

Moreover, Kali felt like the perfect mate to impregnate, even more than Cecile, making her unable to control the quality of the Yang energy and release the most potent one.

At first, Yasenia thought that no problem would arise since the dragoness had been feeding this quality Yang energy to her dear fox.

The dragoness had been using the most potent Yang energy with Kali for a while, trying to compensate for the fact that they couldn't dual cultivate properly.

But Kali's body reacted in this exaggerated manner. Yasenia was reasonably confused and worried.

Only after her mind regained clarity after the orgasm did the reason click in her mind.

Yasenia's Yang energy was lethally attractive for beast humans.

Cecile wasn't a good example since she was also an extremely powerful complete beast, so Yasenia momentarily forgot that her Yang energy was much more effective now on Kali.

Furthermore, Cecile was Yasenia's [Interlocked Soul], giving her many benefits when dealing with the powerful dragoness.

On the other side, Kali was still a beast human that hadn't touched on the real potential of her bloodline.

To add salt to injury, this was her first time having intercourse with Yasenia, and her bloodline was extremely sensitive to powerful and fertile energy.

Furthermore, receiving Yang energy through the mouth or uterus was two completely different things.

The uterus was many times more sensitive than the stomach, and since Kali's body could instinctively feel Yasenia's powerful bloodline, it made all her instincts dance with pure and unadulterated euphoria. Even her soul got affected by her orgasm!

All of this, coupled together with Kali's previous experiences and Yasenia's mistake of not holding back her Yang energy quality, resulted in an explosion of pleasure for Kali that nearly damaged her.

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