Chapter 387. Two visitors. Getting to know Flanna and Ghana.

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After hearing Tatyana's comment, they were curious about who had arrived. The reason Tatyana could tell that there was someone outside was because of the Formations she laid around the house during this week.

With Angel's and Mirrory's help, they had laid out a complex and intricate formation that combined defense, offense, and surveillance and increased the energy inside the mansion.

Cultivating in this mansion would be equivalent to needing half the effort for twice the results. Yasenia commented. "Well, we can skip today's morning cultivation. Moreover, it is already time for us to get into contact with the rest of the city and begin expanding."

Evelyn commented while they walked toward the entrance. "Tatyana, how is the process of unlocking Long Baidi's ring?"

Tatyana commented. "I'm letting Angel do all the work. It would be nice for her to learn. Therefore, she will need at least another week, at most, a month. All depends on how much she understood my explanations."

Angel raised her fist and proclaimed. "Don't worry, Mommy Tatyana, I'll unlock it before the next week finishes."

Tatyana patted her head.

After a bit of walking, they arrived outside. There they saw Sierra standing before the gates, looking at the visitors coldly.

Evelyn jumped upward and landed on Sierra's head. She crossed her arms before her chest and asked. "Did they miss behave, Sierra?"

The two visitors felt their gaze, which was a suffocating experience. The main reason was that they weren't holding back and were scanning them up and down.

After hearing Evelyn's question, they looked at the wolf.

Sierra said calmly. "No, they've been quite polite. After I told them to wait until you arrived, they didn't overstep and were very understanding."

Our girls nodded, and their faces eased up a lot. The two women felt the atmosphere around them lighten up. They sighed in relief after they felt the pressure leave.

'Thankfully, I was polite to their guardian beast.' Thought both of them.

The two women at the door were quite different.

The first one was a brown-feathered harpy. She was neither tall nor short, and her body had slender and visually attractive proportions. Her face leaned toward the stern feel, but she had a quiet calmness and elegance between her brows.

Like most harpies, she was completely naked. However, she had her wings folded before her in an attempt to look more courteous and reserved.

Her professional demeanor and attitude were so prominent that they felt that being naked didn't diminish the formal feeling around her. However, this made them a little cautious of her.

A capable-looking person like this wouldn't approach them without motives, after all.

Yasenia and the others moved their eyes toward the other unknown woman. However, to look at her, they had to raise their eyes even higher than when looking at Sierra.

That's right. This person was a fifteen-meter-tall, four-armed female giant. She also had brown hair and eyes.

However, her facial features were delicate and lovely. If she were a short woman, she would look charming and adorable.

Moreover, her dress matched her cute and round face, wearing an ankle-length pink dress. Her four hands were nervously fidgeting, and her face looked back and forth between them.

All in all, unlike the professional-looking Harpy, this female giant looked inoffensive. Yasenia's type had always been cute and lovable girls, so she immediately gained a positive impression.

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