Chapter 362. Talking about Valeria's past. Tatyana's resolution.

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"How many can you control now?" Kali asked while sitting on Valeria's lap. She hadn't left since Valeria sat her there, so she had to lift her head to ask the question.

Valeria looked at Kali's curious eyes and decided to answer. "Well, I have to create them first. However, once I do, they'll be like stalks of my main body. Since I'm quite weak right now, I should be able to control six bodies without losing too much combat efficiency."

They looked at her, speechless. Cecile asked curiously. "So, you are, in truth, six times as strong as you are now?"

Valeria shook her head. "Not even close. My spare bodies will not have that much strength. My main core can fight against the other five bodies to a stalemate unless I get serious. Then, my five bodies would win with destructive tactics such as sacrificing one or two of them to take me down. However, the same as with Tatyana, I use my only soul and a single dantian to control all six of them. Hence, it is six bodies, one individual."

Angel got thoughtful and asked. "So, if you control a soul via a secondary soul, it can't be considered yourself?"

Mirrory answered her. "That would be a stretch, but if that secondary soul is nurtured enough and away from the main soul for too long, the soul can gain independent thinking. It is quite dangerous since they would know everything about you. If they, for some reason, betray you, it would be a disaster. It has happened in the past once or twice."

The others frowned, thinking of the possibilities. Mirrory sighed and said. "Do not spin the idea too much, juniors. Tatyana can have other bodies because of a lost ancient technique that no one could complete before her other than its creator, and Valeria is literally the Spirit Queen! A Nature Spirit created by concentrating absurd amounts of Life energy in one place during millions of years."

Valeria's eyebrow twitched. "Why did you have to tell them my age!"

Mirrory was stumped. "You old monster, you still care about your age when you've probably crossed the ten-million-year mark!?"

Valeria pouted. "I'm not that old!" Kali blushed, thinking that she was too cute.

Mirrory snorted. "Face it. Moreover, if you are compared to me, you are basically a baby!"

Angel blinked, "Wow, Mirrory! Why are you so old!"

Mirrory's eyebrow twitched. Then, she said. "Sorry Valeria, I shouldn't have said so."

The others didn't fall to the ground because they were already seated.

Valeria nodded. "It is good that you understand."

Mirrory definitely ignored Angel's question and continued. "Speaking of Valeria's body control, not even other Nature Spirits can replicate what she can do; she is their Queen for a reason. Therefore, they are the exceptions of the exceptions. People with multiple bodies are as rare as they can get."

"Finding a person with a Yin and Yang constitution is tens of thousands more common, and Yasenia is probably the only one with such a constitution in the whole Sky Continent, a place with hundreds of trillions of people."

Hearing this comparison, they understood that worrying about this was the same as worrying about lightning falling on them with a clear sky.

Tatyana looked at Valeria and suddenly commented. "Leaving its extreme rarity aside, I can understand now how you were able to give birth to a whole new race. You really got to work, hahaha."

The others choked and entered a coughing fit. Mirrory rolled her eyes and didn't speak anymore.

Meanwhile, Valeria giggled at Tatyana's comment. "I wanted company, and what better company than my own progeny? The spirits are good children. But they all looked the same and were already self-sufficient. So I wanted to try having other children."

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