Chapter 303. Valeria's Identity.

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Suddenly, Valeria looked back at Kali, her green eyes with slit golden pupils radiating a soft light, "Mistress, congratulations on becoming stronger."

The other three women's mouth's dropped open.

Kali felt her heart beating faster in excitement and approached Valeria with eager steps. She didn't even realize Yasenia's and Angel's presence. She tripped over her words as she hastily asked, "You can finally talk? You can understand me?"

Valeria laughed softly and nodded. Then, she spoke with a mature and gentle voice, "Yes, Mistress. This evolution finally unlocked... Or, to put it better, it made me regain my sapience."

Kali blinked, confused. "Regain?"

Valeria smiled and said, "I've always wanted to say this, but my thoughts were muddled all the time..."

The three-meter-tall Valeria sat on her knees and hugged Kali into her embrace, "You've suffered, but I'm glad you found mistress Yasenia. I'm sorry I couldn't help you more when you were lost in grief. I will protect you from now on. As long as a single breath remains in me, no harm shall befall you anymore."

As she felt Valeria's warm body surrounding her, Kali's eyes watered, and tears spilled from her eyes. It felt like a mother was hugging her, filling her heart with love for the Flower Queen.

She hugged Valeria back and sobbed, "D-Don't say that. I-I could only hold against my Heart Demons because of you. Thank you, Valeria. Thank you for being with me."

On the sides, Yasenia was smiling happily, and Angel was also emotionally crying. They didn't interrupt and let them their moment.

Valeria looked at the crying woman and felt pain in her heart. "Don't worry, Mistress. With Yasenia and I, you will only feel happiness from now on."

Kali nodded and slowly relaxed. Valeria's scent was soothing and made the body feel pure comfort. If Yasenia's scent were powerful and made you tingle and feel good, Valeria's would seep deep into you and make your muscles relax. They were like polar opposites, but neither weaker than the other.

Kali squinted as her nose twitched, her whole body buried in the very tall woman's embrace. She felt so relaxed and protected between Valeria's arms that her eyes slowly closed, and she fell asleep shortly after.

Her mouth had a satisfied smile, and her two tails tightly clung to Valeria. Valeria didn't move for half an hour, and Yasenia and Angel waited patiently. Angel asked Yasenia in a low voice, "What did she mean about regaining her sapience?"

Yasenia thought about it and said, "I can guess that Valeria is more than a summon, but until we hear it from her, we can only guess. Let's wait until she comes to us and explains things herself." Angel nodded, agreeing with Yasenia.

Yasenia took the time to place Angel before her and slowly massaged her scalp. She had been doing this every moment she could, hoping it would help Angel's problem. Angel felt Yasenia's Yin energy seeping inside her mind, and her body loosened. Yasenia had to hold her up with her long tail, or Angel may have fallen to the ground.

The Mirror inside Angel felt her body twitching defensively, 'Angel, you are too trusting. Each time you do this, you allow Yasenia to mess with your mind as she likes.'

Angel answered with a mewl, "She can do what she wants~."

Yasenia heard Angel's soft sounds of comfort and chuckled. 'Although it isn't much, I think it really helps. I will be able to tackle the problem further when we dual cultivate.'

After Valeria felt that Kali was sleeping, she slowly picked Kali up, and their size difference made Kali look like a young child cradled in a loving embrace.

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