Chapter 304. Innate Skills and Reunion! Finally together again. (1)

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Yasenia, Angel, and Valeria holding the sleeping Kali, slowly walked out of that place. They didn't have any haste to do so, so they didn't use anything to walk out. Valeria guided them toward the surface through a flower path, much more beautiful than the root-cave system they had entered the last time.

This tunnel was only available if a life-attributed cultivator was in the group. Suppose someone like that didn't exist in the group, the plants in the tunnel would become aggressive and devour any intruder. Yasenia was curious and asked, "How strong are they?"

Valeria got thoughtful and said, "It would be similar to fighting a group of twenty third-rank beasts led by a fourth-rank one. Of course, you must add plant-based creatures' benefits and weaknesses. But it is a close enough comparison."

Yasenia hummed, "Not that strong. I thought it would be more."

Valeria laughed softly, "You have to look at it from a common cultivator's point of view."

Yasenia shook her head, "I disagree. I rather look at things from a prodigy point of view. That way, the worst that can happen is overpreparing, never underestimating my enemy."

Valeria blinked and got thoughtful, "You are right. I should also think like that. I can't let my carelessness hurt Kali, after all."

Yasenia and Valeria kept speaking softly, and Angel listened from the side. They discussed plant creatures and their physiology. Yasenia wanted to learn since it was an area where she was very uneducated.

Valeria was explaining something when she felt the fox between her arms stirring awake. Kali yawned, showing a pair of sharp canines, and rubbed her eyes. Valeria smiled and said, "I hope you had a good rest, Kali."

Kali nodded and nuzzled her face against Valeria's soft skin. "You are very comfortable, Valeria."

Valeria said with a mysterious tone, "Kali, how about you look at the side?"

Kali looked at Valeria's face questioningly, but she obediently turned her gaze to the side. She saw a divinely beautiful Dragoness and a pure, innocent-looking girl smiling at her.

Kali's smile widened, and she excitedly called them, "Yasenia! Angel! When did you arrive?

Yasenia opened her arms and said, "We've been here for a while. How about a hug?"

Kali didn't hold back and jumped out of Valeria's embrace toward Yasenia. Yasenia caught her dear fox and instantly coiled her long dragon tail around her two fox tails. "I missed you, Kali."

Kali separated her face and moved forward to kiss Yasenia. She also moved forward and kissed deeply. Kali said between kisses, "I've also... Missed you."

Yasenia got her fill and subconsciously released her scent all over Kali, only stopping after she was sure that Kali was marked by her one more time. She smiled to herself as she saw her misty, verdant green eyes looking at her dazedly, the fox's nose twitching happily and sniffing the dragoness at every chance she had. 'It truly feels good to be back... It fills my heart from the things I was missing.'

Yasenia commented, "I really like your new tail. With this, we can more or less confirm you will slowly regain the nine tails."

Kali nodded, "Yes, my innate skill is related to my tails, so I'm sure I will unlock all of them."

Yasenia remembered about the innate skills and asked curiously, "What are their names?"

"Well, I only know about my first and second tail skills, and I also have another domain skill unrelated to my tails. They are [First Tail: Nascent Soul], [Second Tail: Blooming Life], and [Myriad Blooming Flowers]. To be honest, they are too good to be true, so I have to practice with them."

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