Chapter 244. The Guard Captain clarifying some doubts.

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The directions toward the main office were somewhat confusing. Therefore, Yasenia asked some of the soldiers standing in the corridors. Even if they were somewhat reluctant initially, their determination quickly crumbled before Yasenia's pleas.

Yasenia's slightly raised eye corners, the small mole under her right eye, her thick eyelashes, and beautiful straight eyebrows were enough to hook a mortal's soul away. The golden slit eyes seemed to pierce their deepest part, making them vulnerable to her demands. She didn't even have to touch them, and just some seductive glances were enough to make them eager to answer her questions.

They were in front of the Guard Captain's room five minutes later. Yasenia took out a sofa and placed it in the hallway. She could hear noises inside, so she decided to wait until the person inside came out.

Of course, it wasn't that she didn't want to interrupt their talk. The sounds Yasenia heard were something she could identify, and she knew that entering now wouldn't be a wise idea.

Angel and Kali sat at Yasenia's sides, and Sarah sat beside Angel. They took this chance to relax. There was a window in the hallway, and the light from the moon seeped inside, mixing with the dim light from the candles, giving the place a peaceful atmosphere.

After twenty minutes, a woman with rosy cheeks and slightly messed up clothes walked out of the room. Even if she had cleaned herself, Yasenia could practically feel the coquettish aura around the woman and satisfied smirk.

Yasenia raised an eyebrow, 'This is why I didn't knock on the door. I might have incurred his anger even before presenting myself if I had interrupted.'

When this woman walked outside, she saw four women sitting on a beige couch that she didn't remember being there. However, that wasn't what surprised the woman. It was the beauty of the smallest woman and the tallest one. Especially when she laid eyes on Yasenia, danger bells sounded in her head. 'Is she his new lover? I can't let a woman that beautiful get close to him, or I will lose his favor!'

She glared at Yasenia and asked, her tone hostile. "Who are you? The Guard Captain is not available right now; the guards outside must have told you. Leave before you get into trouble."

Yasenia saw her defensive stance and teased her. She leaned forward, emphasizing the deep cleavage, and said, "Do you really think he wouldn't be available for me~? I bet I can walk inside, and he would welcome me with open arms~."

The woman's face became ugly and was about to berate Yasenia when Yasenia laughed, "I'm sorry, tonight I'm slightly cheeky. I'm a cultivator that came from the outside. I have zero interest in mortals, so you can relax, miss lover."

The woman was surprised for a second. She had focused so much on their appearance that she had missed the natural aura all townspeople could detect from cultivators. 'She is a Heaven Immortal!? I nearly made a big a big mistake.'

She bowed and apologized. "I'm sorry, respected immortal. Your beauty was so high I didn't realize who you were."

Yasenia smiled, "Don't worry about it. I can understand why you reacted that way."

The woman's heart relaxed, and she also smiled, "I see. I will inform him and tell you when he is ready. I'm his wife, by the way. Nice to meet you."

Yasenia's eyes thinned slightly, but she smiled nonetheless. "Nice to meet you."

'Do these mortals really think they can fool a dragon? It seems that miss secret lover doesn't want to be found out.' Yasenia thought with amusement.

After waiting for four more minutes, the same woman came out, now more proper, and smiled, "You can go in, respected immortals."

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