Chapter 399. A short spar. New [Empyrean Cosmos Dress].

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Yasenia's smile, new seductive dress, and curvy figure as she spoke softly made their hearts hot, and their minds fell into a daze.

Yasenia raised her eyebrow with apparent joy, and her eyes curved in beautiful crescents because of her joyous smile after realizing that her beauty had dazzled them. 'Standing there with a silly expression, they look so cute~. I want to eat them~.'

If the previous expression wasn't enough, Yasenia's delighted smile was like the nail in the coffin. 'I can't. She is too beautiful!'

Cecile sighed. "Can I ask her to return to her dragon form? I don't want the world to see her."

The others snapped out of their trance with Cecile's words. After finding them too possessive, they wanted to find fault in Cecile's words. However, they couldn't say anything after looking at Yasenia's figure up and down two more times. 'I want to change her into a pendant and hide her in my robes!'

Andrea finally muttered. "It has yet to reach the three-month mark, yet I almost forgot how ravishingly stunning our dear is in her human form. Moreover, unlike before, she gives this soul-snaring feeling that makes me quite... aroused."

Andrea sighed, resigned. "I can understand your concerns, Cecile. I really do."

Yasenia laughed softly and began walking toward them with her usual sashaying steps. The soft hips and flexible waist twisted in a mouthwatering way as the gorgeous tail swayed behind.

As she approached, Yasenia spoke slowly and with an evident smile in her voice. "Sorry, sweetheart, darling. You signed for this when you said yes to being with me~. You'll have to protect me if you don't want bad people from stealing me away~."

Evelyn almost cursed while feeling her heart speed up. "When she laughs, she is even more lethal...."

Yasenia suddenly stopped walking as she felt a golden bullet landing on her chest. She blinked twice and looked at the head full of blonde hair rubbing in her generous cleavage.

"I missed this~." Said Angel while greedily sniffing Yasenia's sweet floral scent as she buried deep within Yasenia's breasts.

The softness surrounding her head as Yasenia's firm and protective arms went over her shoulders to push her deeper made Angel think she was in heaven. She tightly hugged Yasenia's waist and relished the feeling of her dragoness's embrace.

Yasenia caressed Angel's head and slowly massaged her scalp while allowing her to do as she pleased. "Are you comfortable, baby?"

Angel was a human-shaped blob already, so she could only mewl in response.

Evelyn nodded with teary eyes. "Finally, the giant heavenly tits have retur-."


They all blinked twice after Evelyn flipped away and looked at the person standing still five meters away. 'H-How did Yasenia's tail hit Evelyn!? She is too far!'

Yasenia smiled and looked at them calmly, her long tail swishing behind her lazily. 'Her Tail-slapping Dao has leveled up!'

They shook their heads and decided not to delve deep into the mysteries of the Tail-slapping Dao. Then, they approached her.

Meanwhile, since our baby was in the dragoness's embrace, her hands naturally came into contact with Yasenia's dress. Although the excellent pair of happiness mounds blocked her vision, her spiritual sense could still analyze Yasenia's dress.

Angel had never seen this dress, and the texture reminded her of Yasenia's scales. Therefore, she lifted her head from Yasenia's cleavage and asked curiously. "Where did that dress come from? I've never seen it on you before."

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